Plan Do Act for Your Future!
A district-wide virtual postsecondary and career planning event for 10th and 12th grade students.
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Plan Do Act - IT Support:
We have set up a Google meet link for drop-in IT Support.
Wednesday, April 13 · 8:15am – 1:00pm
Click here to access the IT Support Meet Room
The IT Main Support line is also open during this time. Please call 503.916.3375 for technical assistance.
Event Schedule & Overview
(All 10th grade students and 12th grade students)
8:30 am - 8:45 am Welcome, Intro and Event walkthrough
8:45 am - 9:25 am Get to Know Yourself assessment & interpretation
9:35 am - 10:15 am Career Options Strand
- Arts and Applied Arts/Design
- Healthcare
- Business/Marketing/Entrepreneurship
- Engineering/IT/ Computer Sciences
- Communications and Community outreach careers
- Hospitality and Culinary Arts
- Climate and environmental -related careers
10:25 am- 11:05 am Postsecondary Options Strand
- College 4 years
- Community College
- Postsecondary institutions serving Black and Hispanic students. What are HBCU and HSI?
- The Tribal College experience
- Entering the Trades: Pre/Apprenticeships, Apprenticeships
- Gap Year- Carpe Diem and Carpe Mundi as Gap Year options
- Military Career and Tuition Free Education Options
- Searching for Scholarships
11:15 am- 11:55 am Social Emotional Learning (SEL) strand
- Session 1: Navigating major life changes/transitions- ADULTING 101
- Session 2: Self-care Strategies for young adults
- Session 4: Creating and Accomplishing Goals
- Session 5: Healthy Habits
BONUS: You can use your experience attending Plan>Do>Act for Your Future to fulfill ONE of your Career Related Learning Experiences (CRLE) required for graduation! See how to complete your CRLE based on your participation in Plan>Do>Act!
Register today for your preferred sessions. Registration is not required to participate, but attendance is mandatory for all 10th and 12th grade students and any 11th grade students who are not taking the SAT test. You must be logged into your PPS email account to join the sessions.
This event is presented by the Department of Career & College Readiness, in collaboration with High School College Coordinators, Career Coordinators and College Counselors.