• sun school logo

    Sitton's SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) school provides free after school care for families and offers a wide variety of classes for our students. It is run by our SUN director, Naivit Velazquez Sereno. He can be reached at:


    Office: 503-916-5654

    Cell: 971-347-5725

    Extended-Day Activities for children and adults include academic support, homework club, harvest share, free supper program, mentoring, recreation, games, computer classes, dance classes, and much more!

    Sitton's SUN Community School is a full-service neighborhood hub where the school and partners from across the community come together to make sure our kids and families have what they need to be successful - in school and in life.

     SUN Community Schools mobilize and strategically organize community resources to provide:

    • Strong core instructional program
    • Educational support and skill development for youth and adults
    • Enrichment and recreation activities
    • Family involvement and support
    • Social, health and mental health resources
    • Family and community events

    At SUN Community Schools, the collective efforts of youth, parents, businesses, faith communities, libraries, and community organizations create a network of supports that ensure academic success, family self-sufficiency, and economic prosperity. SUN Community Schools are open to all ages, preschool to seniors, with a focus on students in the immediate school community.

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