Prepare-Ninth Grade
Explore college and career opportunities
- In your College & Career Exploration & AVID classes learn about and research opportunities that match your goals, interests, and skills. Think broadly. There are many different career and educational options available.
- Participate in career related learning experiences (CRLE) to explore different career areas.
- Attend college fairs and career fairs.
- Plan college visits.
- Contact trade and apprenticeship programs and ask about specific programs, pathways, and on-the-job training.
- See how to get started.
Plan your courses.
- Meet with your school counselor to plan courses based on your interests and goals.
- Plan your coursework so it includes rigorous courses, including career electives and CTE courses.
- These courses are offered in a variety of subjects and incorporate academic, creative, technical and soft skills that will help you choose a career while providing you with lifelong skills and training. Some trade and apprenticeship programs look for certain CTE and math courses.
- Keep up with your school work and maintain good grades.
- Many students need academic support to do well in rigorous courses. Speak with your teachers and counselor about support options available at your school.
Plan and participate in career related learning experiences (CRLE).
- Speak to your career coordinator and watch for career day events and activities in your school’s bulletin, monitors, or college and career center.
- Events and activities may include informational interviews, job-shadows, internships, school speakers, and visits to local businesses and industry organizations.
- Log your CRLE in your Naviance journal located in the About Me tab. This will help you complete your CRLE reflection, which is required for graduation.
- Include the name and date of the experience.
- Write a few sentences about the experience.
Get involved in extracurricular activities like sports, student government, music groups, and volunteerism.
- Keep a record of these activities for your resume and college applications. Use Naviance to track your activities and build your resume.
- Extracurricular activities can help you discover your interests, develop leadership skills, demonstrate time-management, and show a commitment that colleges and employers look for in an application.
- Start thinking about which colleges and careers best match your goals, skills, and interests.
- Start thinking about which colleges and careers best match your goals, skills, and interests.
- Determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), actual cost of college and sources for financial aid. How to Pay page
- Make summer plans to work or participate in a variety of college and career related experiences, such as volunteerism, college visits, job-shadows, and internships. Take the time to speak with people in your daily life who are in careers that may be of interest to you.
- Work with a school counselor to plan next year’s classes and sign up for rigorous courses.
Other Years:
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade