College & Career Readiness Master Plan
The world that our students will enter after they graduate is rapidly changing. To thrive in this undefined, but exciting future, students will need a strong foundation of content and technical skills, as well as the critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills necessary to become lifelong learners. With these skills in mind, Portland Public Schools developed a Graduate Portrait that defines the attributes of a college and career ready student and presents a vision for the type of system that could produce these graduates.
This ambitious vision is our district's promise to students and families that when students graduate they will have the skills and experience they need to thrive. The College and Career Readiness (CCR) Master Plan summarized here is our district's plan for delivering on that commitment. We believe that this plan, in coordination with implementation of a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum (GVC), a multitiered system of supports (MTSS), and a focus on integrated science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM), has the potential to transform our educational system. The plan is a commitment to create more personalized, relevant, and engaging learning experiences where every student has access to rigorous college-level coursework, personalized student supports, career and technical education (CTE), and project-based learning. The plan is based on a belief that a more engaging, rigorous, and relevant education will improve attendance, persistence, achievement, completion, and ultimately post-secondary success.
This plan builds on the significant investment PPS has made in facilities and CTE programming over the past decade. Introducing vertically integrated, thematically focused pathways provides a framework for students' individual classes and educational experiences to hang together. Whether industry, STEAM, or humanities-focused, a theme would help students make connections between disciplines, and provide opportunities to engage in authentic, inquiry-driven, interdisciplinary work.