What is TAG?
      TAG stands for Talented and Gifted. TAG students have the capability to perform at higher levels compared to others who are the same age, are in the same environment, or have the same experience. 

      TAG Rights
      Talented and Gifted Education Act 1987 Oregon Revised Statute: 343.407, 409: Identification of talented and gifted students.

      • “School districts shall identify talented and gifted students enrolled in public schools under rules adopted by the State Board of Education.”
      • “School districts shall provide educational programs or services to talented and gifted students enrolled in public schools under rules adopted by the State Board of Education.”

      Who can be referred for TAG?
      Any student starting in kindergarten. 

      Areas of Referral and Identification
      Your child may be identified as TAG in 3 areas:

      • Intellectual Ability
      • Math 
      • Reading

      How do I refer my child for TAG and what is the timeline?
      The first step is to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher. In which areas (intellectual, reading, or math) does your child show capabilities above their peers? If your child is not currently identified in one of the areas and you feel they need to be assessed, you may refer your child for assessment. There are two ways that referrals happen: 

      1. FALL DATA-DRIVEN REFERRALS: Students in grades 2 and above participate in screening assessments in the fall. The top 10% will be referred for possible TAG identification, and you will receive a notification by January 25, 2024.
      2. WINTER REFERRALS: For any student not captured in the Fall Data-Driven Referral window, families and teachers can complete a referral form starting on December 1st. These students will need to take additional assessments which will be scheduled starting in January 2024.

      What happens after a referral is completed?
      After the referral is completed, a team at the school that includes the TAG facilitator and administrator examine the evidence from work samples and assessments to make a final decision about which students will be TAG identified.

      Once my student is identified, do I need to refer them every year?
      No. Once a student is identified in TAG, they are TAG through 12th grade. 

      What does PPS TAG look like?
      In PPS, classroom teachers provide TAG services through instructional practices in the homeroom classroom that meet the rate and level of student learning needs. We believe in building depth and complexity in student learning.  Our goal is not to race to the next level, but to create lessons that inspire a deeper level of understanding.

      These are SOME of the strategies that teachers are encouraged to use to meet the Rate and Level of learning for our TAG students.  

      • High Level Questioning: deliberate and thoughtful design of questions to elicit a deeper level of student engagement and critical thinking.  
      • Differentiated Assignments: activities that allow students to focus on the same essential understanding and skills but planned at different complex, abstract, and open-ended levels. 
      • Cluster Grouping/Flexible Grouping: students are grouped according to pre-assessment data based on specific needs in that area of the curriculum.  Groups are formed and reformed based on readiness, style of learning, and/or interests. 
      • Extension Activities: activities or projects that broaden the scope of the work and allow for greater depth of understanding of the lesson.
      • Individual Instruction: for individuals or small groups who demonstrate readiness for greater depth or complexity
      • Independent Study/Project: a “replacement” unit when a student already has the skills and knowledge of the current curriculum.  

      What are TAG plans? How do I get one? 
      Some schools/teachers develop Team TAG plans when they know there is a need to meet rate and level needs of multiple TAG students. If the parent works with the teacher and still feels their students' needs are not being met, they can request a Personalized TAG plan.

      More information 
      If you have questions about TAG, the first step is to talk to your child's teacher. Sitton's TAG Facilitator is Quinn Sanford, qsanford@pps.net.