• SkillsUSA


    Skills USA Logo

    Benson Polytechnic High School participates in SkillsUSA, a partnership of students, teachers and industry representatives, working together to ensure America has a skilled work force. It helps each student excel.  SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations.


    As a part of the SkillsUSA experience, students in the various career technical education programs at Benson compete with students from other CTE schools in Oregon at the Oregon SkillsUSA conference each spring.  Gold medal winners in the state competitions then move on to compete in the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference in Kansas City, Missouri in June.


    Beginning in 2006 students in Benson’s broadcasting program have competed in the SkillsUSA Audio/Radio Production contest. 

    KBPS students have been very successful in SkillsUSA!


    Skills USA 2006
    Jacob Patterson & Martin Couch (front center) represented KBPS at the 
    2006 National SkillsUSA conference in Kansas City, Missouri and were
    Gold Medal Winners in the Audio/Radio Production Contest. 


    Skills USA 2008

    Zack Keirsey & Abby Covell (front center) represented KBPS at the 
    2008 National SkillsUSA conference in Kansas City, Missouri and were
    Gold Medal Winners in the Audio/Radio Production Contest. 



    Skills USA 2010

    Ebony Stewart & Brian Halvorsen (front-far right) represented KBPS at the 
    2010 National SkillsUSA conference in Kansas City, Missouri and were 
    Bronze Medal Winners in the Audio/Radio Production Contest.




    Skills USA 2012

    Winnie Liu and Maria Pham



    Skills USA 2012

    Maria Pham and Winnie Liu represented KBPS at the 
    2012 National SkillsUSA conference in Kansas City, Missouri and were 
    Gold Medal Winners in the Audio/Radio Production Contest.

    This was the only gold metal won by Oregon at the 2012 national competition.