Become a member by paying $25 annual dues in our webstore:
http://www.oregonpta.org/membership be sure to choose Grant High PTAContact Us:
grantptaboard@gmail.comAbout Us:
What does the Grant PTA do?
We advocate for the health, education and safety of all students and provide a forum for parent involvement and education. Grant PTA supports students and teachers through classroom grants for our teachers, assistance to the All Night Party for seniors, Writers in the Schools and more. We organize teacher appreciation events and assist with the PTA Clothing Center (serving all of PPS and located at the Marshall campus).Why join PTA?
Your membership dollars help supply our annual budget that serves our students and families. In addition to supporting our Grant community as a PTA member, you are also joining the largest and oldest child advocacy organization at the state and national levels. Anyone is welcome to attend meetings or get involved but your membership allows you a vote on decisions related to our budget and advocacy.
How to get involved:● Attend our monthly meetings. Community wide, in-person meetings will happen every other month, alternating with zoom business meetings (reach out to us if you would like to join us for the smaller meetings!) All are welcome! We try to balance necessary business items with topical programming. Meetings are a great opportunity to hear from the principal, engage with other parents, and learn more about what is happening at school.
● Volunteer! We welcome participation on our board or with various events or programs
we organize and support.BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER!
Annual membership is just $25 per person. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join.
Link your Fred Meyer Reward card to Grant PTA and Fred Meyer will contribute a
percentage of your spending each quarter. Sign up is easy!
Go to www.fredmeyer.com/communityreward. Grant PTA’s non-profit number is UR833. Last year we earned almost $3000 with zero cost to the parents, friends and families who took a few minutes to make this designation. Every time you shop and use your Rewards Card you continue to help us earn a donation. Remember, you still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates. Not sure if you are enrolled? Check the bottom of your receipt next time you shop and it will tell you if you are signed up to give to the Grant High PTA.
PTA General Meetings
PTA General meetings are held from 6:30pm - 8:00pm in the Grant Library;
General meetings for the 2024-2025 school year are scheduled for:
March 11, 2025
May 13, 2025
Watch the weekly bulletin for updates and details.
Agenda items should be sent to
grantptaboard@gmail.com in advance of the meeting.
Archived General meetings from the 2023-24 school year:
Tuesday, Sept. 12 Meeting MinutesTuesday, Nov. 14 Meeting MinutesTuesday, Jan. 9 Meeting MinutesTuesday, March 12 (Rescheduled to 5:15pm) Meeting MinutesTuesday, May 15 Meeting Minutes