Earth in Space & Exploring Space
Document to record your questions - Make a copy and share with me at so that I can compile them.
Graphic Organizer for Space Research Project NOTES - Make a copy in your drive and share with me.
SEPUP RESOURCES - The following are resources from SEPUP, the publisher of our textbook, that may be helpful to you:
SEPUP Seasons Interactive - interactive animation that helps to explain the seasons
BONUS: Where does the N pole point, and does it change? Check out this link!
NASA Seasons Animation - an explanation and animation to explain the seasons
Seasons Interactive - an additional interactive to explain the reason for the seasons
Moon Phase Simulator - another moon phase simulator that shows the Sun, Moon and Earth from a bird's eye view, and a picture of what we see of the Moon from Earth.
eduMedia Moon Phase Simulator - Walk through the phases of the Moon and the arrangement of the Sun, Earth and Moon that causes them.
Moon Phase Simulator - another moon phase simulator. If it's not working, watch this youtube of the animation.
cK-12 animation - starts with a quick video, and then an animation
SEPUP Moon Phase Simulator - This site models the reason for the Moon phases.
Navy Moon Phases - database you can select a date and see the Moon phase
Moon View - This site shows the current phase of the Moon.
US Naval Observatory Eclipses - This site shows maps and times for lunar and solar eclipses.
NOAA Tides Animation - This animation explains the reason for tides.
Tide Predictions - Tide prediction site where you can enter date and location and see tides for the day.
History of Calendars - This site has information about different calendars throughout time.
Aztec Calendar - Introduction to the Aztec calendar
Mayan Calendar - Introduction to the Mayan calendar
pHet simulation of gravity and orbits
Tonight's Sky - This site shows you what you can see in the night sky.
Big Bang Theory - This movie from NOVA explains the evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory.
International Astronomical Union - This site explains the system for naming astronomical objects.
Being an Astronaut - This NASA site explains everything about what it's like to be in space. Very cool!
Cady Coleman, NASA Astronaut - Cady Coleman explains her journey to becoming an astronaut
How to Become an Astronaut - This site is more specific about the requirements for becoming an astronaut.
Scale of the Universe
For after #90-91
This interactive allows you to explore items in the universe both big and small.
This youtube video walks you through the scale of the universe, again by starting with the smallest known to the largest known objects.
This classic video from 1977 was made by famous designers Charles and Ray Eames about the scale of the universe and the "power of adding another zero."
Another video about scale of the universe and stars.
Animation called "If the Moon Were 1 Pixel."
Beautiful video made in the desert - to scale model for BOTH distance AND size!
NASA interactive - learn more about the planets, dwarf planets, and other objects in space!
For after #95 - 96
Phet animation that allows you to build a solar system and watch gravity in action
Other RESOURCES - The following are some other resources that may be of interest to you:
Earth from Space - amazing pictures of the Earth from space
ASPIRE Interactives - This site has many different interactive animations related to many different branches of science, including astronomy.