Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Heather Boyd
Hello Duniway Dragons, I am excited to be with you this year! You can find me in the library or online at the Duniway library.
This will be my 8th year as Duniway's certified teacher librarian. I am in the building Tuesday thru Friday.
I teach all of our students every week. I see all of the classes in 45 minute blocks for book check out and guided information literacy skills lessons.
Borrowing Policies
Kindergarten – 1 book out at a time, this book remains in the classroom.
1st & 2nd grade -- 3 books
3rd, 4th and 5th grade -- 5 books
Note: Additional resources may be checked out when needed to complete classroom projects &
research. Students may check out only two books from the same series at one time.
Students are limited to two graphic novels at a time.
Library Account Information:
You may receive a courtesy e-mail indicating that your student has an overdue book. This
comes from our automated software. Please contact me directly with questions and
concerns. Your student can log in to the PPS Library Catalog using their Synergy
username and password to see when books are due and what they have out. Daily fines
are not accrued; however, if a book is not returned by the end of the school year, or if it
drowns, is eaten, burned, or otherwise damaged you will be
charged for the cost of replacement. If payment is a hardship,
please contact me about alternatives. Charges for lost and
damaged books appear in School Pay.
Still have Duniway library books from last year? No problem. You can return those books with your students on school days or bring them into the office.
Take care,
Ms Boyd
Email your Teacher-Librarian at hhboyd@pps.net