New Curriculum Login Procedure (as of Dec 2018)!
The curriculum publisher, Lab-Aids, has a new login procedure for students. Here are the directions on how to register for access to the online information:
- Go to the registration page: https://portals.lab-aids.com/register.htm
- If necessary, select the New User? Register Here link.
- Username is your apps4pps account (example: coesterl@apps4pps.net)
- Create a password you will remember -- 6-20 characters
- Write down your username and password in a place you will remember it. On the inside of the front cover of your Science Notebook would be an excellent place!!
- Enter first name, last name
- Create your new Lab-Aids/SEPUP account using the access code for your grade level:
- 6th: pps-students-grade6
- 7th: pps-students-grade7
- 8th: pps-students-grade8
- Click Register
- You can now login and use the updated online site at www.lab-aids.com.
SEPUP Geological Processes
Student Book - Click on this link to view the online pdf of the new Student Book. This is a huge file so be patient while it loads. Alternatively, if you would like a pdf of the entire unit, please email me at rgroom@pps.net and request the pdf.Geological Processes Student Book Single Activities
Activity 1: Storing Nuclear Waste
Activity 2: Investigating Groundwater
Activity 3: Modeling Landslides
Activity 4: Natural Hazards Caused by Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Activity 5: Modeling Volcanic Eruptions
Activity 6: Mapping Locations of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Activity 7: Observing Earth's Moving Surface
Activity 8: Beneath Earth's Surface
Activity 9: Modeling Earthquakes
Activity 10: Plate Boundaries
Activity 11: Understanding Plate Boundaries
Activity 12: The Continent Puzzle
Activity 13: The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Activity 14: What Makes the Plates Move?
Activity 15: The Rock Cycle
Activity 16: Rocks as a Resource
Activity 17: Enough Resources for All?
Activity 18: Evaluating Site Risk
SEPUP Geological Processes Student Links pageActivity 1: Storing Nuclear Waste
Background Information and Waste Considerations
Activity 5: Modeling Volcanic Eruptions
Discovery: Volcano Explorer: Use the worksheet below to guide you through this!
Volcano Explorer Worksheet
Activity 10: Plate Boundaries
SEPUP Plate Motion Simulation
Unit C: Erosion and DepositionActivity 27: Investigating Boomtown's Weather
Landslide Video from debris flow in Northwest Portland
Activity 30: Challenges of the Mississippi Delta
NOVA Video: Storm that Drowned a CityActivity 31: Resistance to Erosion
Video of materials weathering and eroding: Material A Material B Material C
Pictures of materials: Material A mid-rain Material A post-rain Material A post-rain cave Material C pre-rain
Activity 32: Modeling Erosion
Engineering Design Template - to download and WRITE IN NOTE: the file is a zipped Word file. Save file as "Last Name Erosion Mitigation", i.e. File Name: "Groom Erosion Mitigation")
Engineering Design Typing Template - to download and TYPE IN (Note: the file is a zipped Word file, and font will change as you type in boxes. Save file as "Last Name Erosion Mitigation", i.e. File Name: "Groom Erosion Mitigation")
Activity 35: Building in BoomtownAct 35 Evidence and Discussion Web Handout
Act 35 AQ #1 Writing Template Print and hand-write
Act 35 AQ #1 Evidence and Trade-offs GoogleDocs Link: Once downloaded, click on 'File' then 'Make a Copy.' Rename it "(your last name) Act 35 Evidence and Trade-offs" and it will be saved into your GoogleDrive.
Unit D: Plate Tectonics - OLDER CURRICULUM UNIT PRIOR TO 2019
REVISED PLATE TECTONIC UNIT (some differences from SEPUP links below)
Activity 4: Alfred Wegener - see Activity 42 below
Activity 5: Earth's Interior
Seismic Waves Animation #1: quick discussion of different types of seismic waves)
Seismic Waves Animation #2: shows the 'shadow zones' of seismic waves
Apple/Egg/Earth Comparison Writing Template: Note that if typing, you'll have to erase the lines. REMEMBER TO USE THE SCORING RUBRIC TO GUIDE YOU!
Activity 6: Convection
Chocolate Convection: This video shows how hot cocoa and milk can demonstrate some amazing plate tectonic actions
Doodle Science Conduction and Convection: A cool animation of how these thermal energy transfer methods workActivity 7: Seafloor Spreading
Bill Nye's 100 Greatest Earth Science Discoveries: The first 15 minutes of this reviews how we know about the inside of the Earth, seismic waves, Wegener and continental drift, and Hess' discovery of seafloor spreading.
Videoclip about seafloor spreading discussing ages of seafloor
Videoclip about paleomagnetism from the History Channel
Videoclip about paleomagnetism - lecture style - great animation discussion
Activity 9: Mapping Plates
Animation of Seismic Eruption computer simulation to show locations of earthquakes (circles) and volcanoes (triangles) since 1960.
Activity 10: Understanding Plate Motions
Back to Bill Nye's 100 Greatest Earth Science Discoveries: Minutes 15 - 20 discuss Plate Tectonics
For Computer Simulation, scroll down to Act 47 below for the link.
Activity 11: Volcanoes
Discovery: Volcano Explorer: Use the worksheet below to guide you through this!
Volcano Explorer Worksheet
Activity 36: Storing Nuclear Waste
AQ #2 Evidence and Trade-offs Template Note: take out all the lines if typing directly into document.
Activity 42: Theory of Plate Tectonics
Video Segment 1: The Scientist Behind the Theory
Video Segment 2: Plate Tectonics Further Evidence
Activity 43: Measuring Earthquakes
Video segment on using triangulation to locate EQs
Video segment on incoming tsunami wave
Video segment on second larger incoming wave
Video segment (26 minutes - worth it!) of why tsunamis are so dangerous - GET TO HIGH GROUND IMMEDIATELY! (click on 2nd video on the page)
Activity 47: Spreading Plate and Activity 48: Other Types of Plate Motion
SEPUP Plate Motion SimulationPlate Motion Simulation Observation Sheet (use this to accompany the online simulation)
Unit E: Weather and Atmosphere
Activity 51: Weather Underground
Activity 55: Heating Earth's Surfaces
Framing the Investigation Writing Frame GoogleDoc link. Open the link. Once the document is open, go to File, then "Make a Copy". Rename it as "(last name) HES Framing".
Designing the Investigation Writing Frame GoogleDoc link. Open the link. Once the document is open, go to File, then "Make a Copy". Rename it as "(last name) HES Designing".Analyzing the Investigation Writing Frame GoogleDoc link. Open the link. Once the document is open, go to File, then "Make a Copy". Rename it as "(last name) HES Analyzing".
Activity 62: Traveling on the Water Cycle
Here is a good website from the USGS about the water cycle. It's interactive! And in the upper right corner, there are links to different ability levels of the cycle.
Activity 64: Investigating Air: Earth's Atmosphere InteractiveU.S. Global Change Research Program
Here are the resources that are part of the climate change project we've been doing. The resources below are pdfs that you can download. You can also go to the main US Global Change Research Program website. You can also get a lot of information from the National Climate Assessment 2014 Report.
The entire 2009 report (used for this project) entitled: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States - click here.
The introduction to climate change in general - click here.
The cards and graphs to accompany the introduction about climate change - click here.
The sector reports:
Agriculture - click here.
Ecosystems - click here.
Energy - click here.
Human Health - click here.
Society - click here.
Transportation - click here.
Water - click here.
The regional report for the Pacific Northwest - click here.
The sector report Evidence and Trade-offs assignment - click here.Unit F: Earth in Space
Activity 76: A Year Viewed from Space
Seasons Interactive Simulation This is the simulation that goes along with the Activity.
Leap Year Video: Watch this 4 minute video about what makes a leap year, and some cool details about our calendar!
Activity 81: Moon Phase Simulator
Moon Phase Simulator This is the simulation that goes along with the Activity.
Be sure to check out other Moon Phase sites on the "Astronomy" page to the blue sidebar on my website.