Administrative Contact Information

  • Metropolitan Learning Center
    2033 NW Glisan Street
    Portland, OR 97209

    Phone: 503-916-5737
    Attendance Line: 503-916-3656

    Principal - Suezann Kitchens

    Assist Principal - Darren Lilla

    Principal's Secretary - Kathleen Frutiger

    Registrar - Savanna Smith

    Admin. Assistant - Robin Lewallan


    A complete list of staff members with their email and phone number can be found under the "Teachers & Staff" tab on the MLC home page.


    MLC Section 504/ADA Coordinator

    Counselor - Gretchen Benner


    MLC Electives / Activites Coordinator

    Coordinator - Dana Lipson


    Kid's Community Learning Center (KCLC)

    Michael Koopman