Support Your Child's Success & Strengthen Our Community
The MLC PTSA and Foundation work to support our community. Enriching the lives of students. Our goal is to develop community and ensure equal access to all opportunities available through MLC. Here are a few ways you can help!
Support our classrooms and community events
Even with limited amounts of time to spare you can still have a positive impact in our school. Some things you might consider doing:
- Volunteer to chaperone a field trip.
- Volunteer in the classroom.
- Volunteer to help complete projects or tasks for a classroom teacher.
- Volunteer at during school events.
- Volunteer to teach an elective.
Donate to our Foundation
The MLC Foundation raises money to supplement our school's budget. This helps support current (and additional) teaching and staff positions. Our foundation also contributes to the PPS Equity Fund. The PPS Equity fund is to help support less fortunate schools. All donations are tax-deductible. You can choose to donate one-time or create recurring donations. All donations make a difference. For as little as $10 or $20 per month, you can help preserve adequate staffing for smaller class sizes in our school. These donations help support crucial programs. like music, art, P.E. and specialized library services.
To donate:
- Go to All Hands Raised
- Select "MLC - Metropolitan Learning Center" from the "Select Recipient" drop-down menu.
- Don 't forget to ask your employer to match your contribution!