• Be a RIder!


    The Roosevelt climate plan reflects the vision and mission of the school and works toward providing a safe space for all students to learn and reflect. We will create an environment that enables students to have a true sense of belonging at the building. Our values stem from







    In essence….BE A RIDER


    The school community will reflect school-wide expectations with an emphasis on 

    • Hallways

    • Classrooms

    • Our surrounding community

    • Extra events throughout the year such as athletic events, community events, and other student events at the school.


    The Roosevelt School Climate Team has worked to obtain positive behavioral supports and interventions reflecting culturally responsive practices, soliciting input from the Portland Association of Teachers as well as students, staff, families, and other interested parties.

    The School Climate Handbook is a reference for families, students, staff, and all other interested parties. Please take a moment to look through it now and as the school year progresses. 



    Roosevelt High School Climate Resources


    RIDERS RIDE School Expectation Matrix


    Roosevelt High School Climate Handbook


    MTSS Multi Tiered Systems of Support


    District Policies, Handbook, and Guidelines 


    Discipline Flow Chart