Due to inclement weather, all PPS schools and district offices are closed today (Feb. 13). All pre-school, after-school, and extracurricular activities, including athletics and field trips, are canceled.
6941 N. Central St•Portland , OR 97203•Ph (503) 916-5260•Fx (503) 916-2704
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Regular Bells
Period Start End
1 / 5 8:26 AM 9:58 AM
2 / 6 10:05 AM 11:41 AM
Lunch 11:41 AM 12:14 PM
3 / 7 12:19 PM 1:51 PM
4 / 8 1:58 PM 3:30 PM
Flex Schedule
Period Start End
1 / 5 8:26 AM 9:48 AM
2 / 6 9:53 AM 11:19 AM
Lunch 11:19 AM 11:52 AM
3 / 7 11:57 AM 1:19 PM
4 / 8 1:24 PM 2:46 PM
Flex 2:46 PM 3:30 PM
Assembly Schedule
Period Start End
1/5 8:26 AM 9:48 AM
Assembly 9:48 AM 10:32 AM
2 / 6 10:37 AM 12:03 PM
Lunch 12:03 PM 12:36 PM
3 / 7 12:41 PM 2:03 PM
4 / 8 2:08 PM 3:30 PM
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
Welcome to the second semester! It’s hard to believe that half of the school year is over.
I know that there have been a lot of questions about some of the recent executive orders about schools and immigration. Roosevelt High School welcomes and values all students, and we believe that our students new to the United States bring so many strengths to our community. All students, regardless of national origin or documentation status, are welcome here. We will continue to honor the Sanctuary designations that our state and city have put in place. Oregon Department of Education put out a statement last week that said “Oregon schools are still prohibited from providing information or assistance to immigration officials unless required by a judicial subpoena.” We will continue to keep our immigrant students safe at school.
If you have questions about immigration and/or how to ensure your family has the information you need, join us for one of our Know Your Rights events open to all PPS families in North Portland. These events will be March 6th and March 14th. More information will be coming soon!
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s hard to believe the semester is over this week. Finals are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. Please check in with your student and make sure they have what they need to finish the semester strong! Reach out to teachers or your counselor if your student needs anything. No school next Monday or Tuesday for teacher planning and grading.
Go Riders!
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Rider Family News
Jan 13, 2025
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s hard to believe the end of the semester is here! Students have this week to finish up before finals next week. All teachers will be available both A and B Day flex times this Thursday and Friday. Many teachers will be available for Extended Flex as well. Check Trivory later this week for a list of teachers that will be available for extended flex from 3:30 to 4:45 on Thursday and Friday. If your student needs help or has questions about finishing the semester strong - have them reach out to their teachers or their counselor.
Go Riders!
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Rider Family News
Jan 6, 2025
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a good winter break. The end of the semester is right around the corner. Extended Flex will be this week and next week. Look at Trivory for which teachers will be offering flex on which days. Make sure your student is doing what is needed to finish the semester strong!
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s the last week of before Winter Break! It’s hard to believe that we are almost through 2024. Come celebrate our choir, orchestra and band this week as they perform their winter concerts. Have a safe and restful break.
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s a busy week! Site Council is tonight. African Family Night is Wednesday night. 8th Grade Information is Thursday. Winter sport are under way and games/contests have started. I’m so excited to watch our students compete this winter! Have a great week!
Go Riders!
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Dec 2, 2024
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s hard to believe it is December! Thank you to everyone who came to meet with teachers during conferences last week. We have three weeks until winter break and then three weeks in January until the end of the semester. Winter sports are starting now. Please sign up if your student would like to participate. Have a great week!
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
This is our one full week of school for November. Next week is Parent-Teacher Conferences. All families are invited from 8:30am to 8:00pm on Monday and Tuesday next week. Enter through the front doors and we will point you in the right direction. Winter sports start today. Please check the information below to find out how to sign up your student for tryouts. Have a good week!
Go Riders!
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Rider Family News
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
We have two weeks until the Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be Monday, November 25th and Tuesday, November 26th from 8:30am to 8:00pm. All conferences will be held arena-style, so you can have access to all of your student’s teachers. You will enter through the front doors, and we will get you pointed in the right direction. Conferences are an important part of the school year, and we want all families to come and talk with teachers. If you cannot attend, you can email teachers and your student’s counselor to see if you can schedule times outside the two-day conference time. We believe that a student’s success is because of the strong partnership between the home and the school. We appreciate this dedicated time to connect with each of you.
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
Happy November! The second quarter starts tomorrow. Make sure you check your student’s grades on ParentVue and reach out to teachers or counselors if you have questions. These next few weeks are busy! Come see our production of “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child”. Show times are listed below. Men’s Soccer take on McMinnville tomorrow after a first round 3-2 win against David Douglas this weekend. And, our football team is heading to Medford for a Friday game in the first round of the playoffs. Congratulations to all of these teams and all of our fall athletes!
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s hard to believe the first quarter is almost over! This week and next week are both four-day weeks. No school for students on Friday 11/1 or Monday 11/4. On Wednesday, October 30th, we will have extended flex for most classes. Teachers will stay until 4:30 to help students who need to finish before the end of the quarter. If your student is failing a class, and there is extended flex for that class - we urge you to remind your student about this opportunity. A list of extended flex classes and locations is listed below.
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
The fall weather is finally here! We are in the process of updating and reopening our student clothing closet in the coming weeks. Look for announcements about upcoming opportunities to help us get this amazing resource started back up for our students. We are not ready for donations yet, but we hope to be taking donations in the future.
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
This Wednesday is NOT an early release for students. The PreACT has been postponed for our sophomores. They will take the test in the spring. Some juniors are participating in the PSAT on Wednesday. They will return to classes when the test is over at lunch time.
Progress report cards were mailed out last week. If you opted to get your student’s grades through ParentVue, you can access those grades now. There are three weeks left in quarter. Please connect with teachers if you have questions about any grades.
Go Riders!
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Rider Family News
Oct 7, 2024
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
What a great Homecoming week! I want to say thank you to our Leadership Students for their work planning the activities for the week, our RHS Alumni Association for a great BBQ before the football game, and the Roosevelt Supporter Club for their help at the BBQ and the Dance on Saturday night. As we head into October, check the calendar to stay up to date. There is no school for students this Friday. The PreACT for Sophomores has been postponed. We’ll share the date for that test once it’s set.
Go Riders!
RHS Social Media |
Spanish Group |
Next 2 weeks at RHS |
October 7 |
October 8 |
October 9 |
October 10 |
October 11 |
B Day |
A Day |
B Day |
A Day |
Inservice Day |
Lockdown Drill @ 10:20am |
October 14 |
October 15 |
October 16 |
October 17 |
October 18 |
B Day |
A Day |
All 8 periods day |
B Day |
A Day |
PSAT for some juniors |
This Week’s News (Looking for last week’s RFN? Click here!) |
Lockdown Drill: Tuesday, October 8th @ 10:20am
Roosevelt will participate in a lockdown drill tomorrow at 10:20am.
Lockdown actions are initiated whenever there is an active threat against the safety of our school. This action includes “Locks, Lights, Out of Sight” and works to create a time barrier until our first responders can arrive at the scene. Lockdown emergency actions save lives, and conducting such drills helps to better prepare our staff and students if a threatening situation were ever to occur at our school.
We understand that these types of active threat drills can cause some anxiety for students and staff. Please know that our staff are working to connect with students in advance of the drill in an age appropriate way to help ease any anxiety and better support students who may be negatively impacted.
As a parent/caregiver, we wanted to share some additional resources that could help in connecting with your child(ren) in advance of this drill:
We do not expect this drill to disrupt the school day, and your child(ren) should be dismissed at the regular time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. You may also reach out to our district’s Emergency Management program through Security Services at 503-916-3000 to discuss any issues of emergency preparedness, drills, or security measures taken at PPS.
Volunteer Opportunity with Roosevelt’s Constitution Team!
Roosevelt’s AP Government & Politics and Constitutional Law & Civics class participating in the We The People: The Citizen and the Constitution competition. Students prepare testimony related to the philosophical foundations, development, and application of the U.S. Constitution through history and up to current issues. It's really cool! The students are brilliant, and they develop both deep knowledge and confidence in their role as members of a democracy.
The most competitive schools have volunteer coaches that support Unit Teams as they research, develop testimony, and practice testifying. If you have a background in US history, law, public policy, or political science, then YOU CAN COACH WE THE PEOPLE!!
The coaching commitment is as much or as little as you can. Ideally, a coach would be able to meet with students 4 times in total, or roughly once a month. The class meets from about 10:00-11:30 am on the following days, and the best dates to volunteer are bolded.
October: 3, 7, 9, 14, 17
November: 15, 19, 21
December: 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20
January: 7, 9
January 11: Saturday competition day
We're building our own model for coaching, and that means you can meet with students virtually if you can't commit to being in the classroom. However, the energy in the classroom as students learn and grow is so fulfilling! My goal is to find 6 coaches, one for each Unit Team.
If you're not able to commit to this, perhaps you know colleagues, friends, maybe some retired attorneys, who would be interested? Feel free to forward! In addition, Civics Learning Project is always recruiting folks to judge the competition, and that's only a one-day commitment on January 11. (Judging counts for CLEs for the OSB.)
If you are not already cleared to volunteer with PPS, then you will need to go to https://www.pps.net/volunteer and complete the steps.
Contact me if you want to get involved!
Laura Fisher (she/her)
Social Studies Teacher
Roosevelt High School We The People Team Teacher Coach
Roosevelt Supporter Club (RSC)
We had SO much fun last week at Homecoming! Thank you to everyone who came out to make it such a great evening! The games, the BBQ, the dance!! Thank you all so much!!!
NEW DATE: October’s Monthly business meeting has been moved to TUESDAY OCTOBER 8TH due to sports scheduling. See you at 7pm at 45th Parallel Wines (8527 N Lombard St.)
Trivia Night is back! Join us on Sunday October 20th at 5pm at Chill N Fill. Bring your favorite friends with the most random knowledge and compete for another year's worth of bragging rights! Tickets are $10 (with a sliding scale pricing option). Proceeds benefit RHS projects like Teacher Appreciation, Senior Celebrations and Holiday Gift and Food Drives.
Click here to buy tickets in advance!
Volunteer Needs:
Upcoming events:
Voter Registration Opportunity
NCAA Webinar for College Bound Athletes & Families
Are you a student-athlete dreaming of playing your sport at the NCAA level? Invest in your future and spend an hour on Sunday, Nov. 3, from 6 to 7 p.m. Eastern time, understanding the requirements and how to prepare for NCAA certification. Join NCAA Eligibility Center staff, who will walk you through what you need to do to compete at the NCAA Division I, II or III level. Staff will be answering questions live during the presentation, so come prepared to learn how to take your game to the next level! Click here to register: NCAA Webinar for College Bound Athletes and Families
PreACT Canceled for 10th Graders
As you know, PPS was planning to hold both PreACT testing for all sophomores and PSAT/NMSQT testing for interested juniors on October 16. Due to a legal name change with ACT, Inc., there is a delay with the state's ability to hold the PreACT for sophomores. We are canceling the PPS PreACT test date of October 16th and will work on scheduling an alternate date later in the school year, probably in the spring. The PSAT will still be administered on October 16th, to juniors who have signed up. Registration for PSAT is now closed.
October 16th is now a full day of classes
Due to the postponement of the PreACT, October 16th is now a full day of classes. It will be an All Period day (all 8 periods). Classes will begin at 8:26 AM and end at 3:30 PM.
Freshman Teams |
Did you know all 9th graders are part of a Team? At Roosevelt we have three freshman teams. Peninsula, Pier and Cathedral. Click here and find out what’s happening in each team.
College and Career |
Raisa Puchalski- Career and Community Partnerships
Angel Gutierrez- College Coordinator
Where Can You Find Us?
College & Career Center, Room 109M
Resource of the Week |
The NW Natural bill discount program can save you money every month on your gas bill. Depending on whether you live in Oregon or Washington and your income level, you may be eligible for bill discounts of 15% to 80%.
There is one application to fill out. No proof of income is required to apply. And the application takes only minutes to complete online, by email or traditional mail, or over the phone. See below for qualifications and to apply.
Looking for food resources? Use this link to find food pantries in your neighborhood simply by entering in your zip code or address: https://foodfinder.oregonfoodbank.org/.
Roosevelt’s food pantry is open every Friday from 1p-3p, entrance is on the side of the school off of Ida.
PGE: Income-Qualified Bill Discount Program
Energy is essential. It’s something we all need. With our Income-Qualified Bill Discount program, you can get a monthly discount of up to 60% off your energy use. Find out if you qualify and apply today – it’s super easy.
Enrollment is available to qualifying residential PGE customers.
Leadership |
Athletics - Click here for Fall Sport schedules |
Join us for Girls & Boys Varsity Soccer Games Tonight
Double header Monday night October 7th!! Roosevelt Varsity Soccer is taking on Ida B. Wells at Providence Park. Girls play at 5 PM and boys at 7 PM. Come out and cheer the soccer teams on! Tickets are free but you need to download them on the SeatGeek app. Here is the link Monday Night Lights Tickets | 2024 Monday Night Lights Games | SeatGeek
Questions? Contact Head JV Cheer Coach: Bri London at blondon@pps.net
Music |
Theatre |
Drama Club & Thespian Troupe 7289
Drama Club is open to EVERYONE. We meet on “Thespian Thursdays” (that’s every Thursday) during lunch in the Black Box Theatre, Room 009. Learn more about our events and activities, as well as how you can become an official Thespian. See you at Drama Club!
Roosevelt’s Opening Act Theatre Company Season 2024-2025
This year’s season theme is “Transformations” where we have stories on stage that take us through a journey through changes of heart, mind, and soul. These stories show how characters, their world, and perceptions transform them and us both internally and externally.
As previously announced, our first show is Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: HS Edition. We are the first HS in the PNW selected to produce the show off Broadway. We’re already creating our production and it promises to be magical. We anticipate an elevated interest for this show so we recommend purchasing tickets early to ensure a seat. For this production, we are partnered with PDXpelliarmus, "We stand with the mission statement of PDXpelliarmus: PDXpelliarmus is an all-volunteer non-profit dedicated to literacy, equality, and human rights. We stand with the Harry Potter fandom and believe there is still good to be done in Harry's name. We are committed to helping uplift and empower the transgender community as well as create safe spaces for all LGBTQIA+ people in the HP fandom." We encourage folks to show their House Pride and Celebrate Pride by dressing up for the shows. We’ll have another concession area, a photo booth, and other allowable items available during intermission and between the two shows on Nov. 9. Hope to see you there!
Check out the season at www.roosevelttheatre.org/current-season. Tickets are on sale now at www.roosevelttheatre.org/buy-tickets. See you at the theatre!
**If you are a drone operator, please email jolane@pps.net ASAP. I have a request and an inquiry.**
Yearbook |
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
It’s hard to believe it’s almost October. This week is Homecoming and Spirit Week! The Homecoming dance is on Saturday - 7:00 - 10:00pm. Only current Roosevelt students can attend. Doors to the dance close at 8:30pm so make sure your student gets here before then. Students enter through front doors for the dance.
We have heard from Fred Meyer that our students are not all showing respect when they are out in the community during lunch. We will have staff at Fred Meyer this week to help reset expectations that all Riders are good community members. Please talk to your student about the importance of being a positive member of our community even when no one is watching.
Go Riders!
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Sep 23, 2024
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
Happy fall! Progress reports will be out next week. Make sure you do your yearly verification in ParentVue to ensure you have access to your student’s progress report in ParentVue. The district does not plan to print and mail progress reports or report cards.
Next Saturday is our fall campus clean-up. Join us in the roundabout to help get the grounds ready for Homecoming next week!
Go Riders!
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Sep 16, 2024
Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
This week marks the first week of Latinx Heritage Month! Our MEChA students are planning activities and events to celebrate our Latinx students and community at Roosevelt. More than 40% of our students are Latinx and many of these students are also members of indigenous communities from across the Americas. Our strength at Roosevelt is our diversity, and our Latinx students add so much to our community. Happy Latinx Heritage Month!
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
Remember, Back to School Night is this Thursday, September 12th. There is an open house from 5:30 - 6:00 to meet community partners and connect with counselors and others. From 6:10 to 8:00, you will follow your student’s schedule so you can meet their teachers and get information about all of their classes. If you don’t have ParentVue, make sure your student gives you a copy of their schedule before you come on Thursday.
Go Riders!
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Principal’s Message
Hi Riders,
The first week of the 2024-25 school year is off to a great start! Please read the Rider Family News each week for important information and celebrations of our students and our programs. Also, check Trivory to see upcoming events and other important information.
Go Riders!
Para las noticias de esta semana siga este enlace: https://shorturl.at/
Hola Familia Rider,
Para las noticias de esta semana, por favor siga este enlace: Revista Rider
Hola Familia Rider,
Para las noticias de esta semana haga clic en el enlace: Revista Rider
Hola Familia Rider
Para las noticias de esta semana, por favor siga este enlace: Revista Rider
In meteorological terms, Portland’s first big weather event of 2024 was the definition of a perfect storm. Frigid temperatures and high winds combined with snow and ice to bring down tree limbs, close roads, scramble traffic, freeze pipes, and knock out power for tens of thousands of residents.
It was a metaphorical perfect storm for Portland Public Schools as well. Fallen trees cut power to multiple schools and others have suffered water damage from broken pipes. Lack of heat was also a problem, and impassable roads, paired with snowed-in and icy parking lots, made it impossible for buses to run safely. Those same conditions limited how the district’s facilities and operations teams can even assess the scope of the issues, let alone begin working on solutions. And icy sidewalks meant walkers have no safe route to school.
This week could bring similar conditions to the Portland area, and PPS’s School Closure Team is ready to meet the challenge. The team convenes regularly during inclement weather to take all of the above into careful consideration. By now, families are quite familiar with how the district communicates these decisions. What’s perhaps less known is how district leaders arrive at such decisions in the first place.
As part of our district's focus on events that center belonging, equity, and inclusion, we have been screening a series of films that we hope will challenge our perceptions about what is possible in the systems we create for our children with disabilities.
The next film in the series is “Champions,” which will screen on Saturday February 8th at 2:00 PM at Lincoln High School. This event will also include first-hand testimonials from PPS students.
This movie highlights the journey of a basketball coach who leads a team of players with intellectual disabilities. Through humor and heartfelt moments, the movie emphasizes the strengths, individuality, and value each player brings to the team and how inclusion enriches communities and creates positive, supportive environments.
Staff, families, and community members are all invited. Parking is free and light refreshment will be provided. We hope to see you there!
We’re thrilled to announce that two PPS teachers were recently awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
Krishnan Ranjani, a teacher of advanced mathematics and Career and Technical Education (CTE) computer systems at Lincoln High School and Nick Nohner, a computer sciences and data sciences teacher at Ida B. Wells High School, were both selected for the honor which is administered by the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The award recognizes outstanding educators for their contributions to the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Each awardee will receive a certificate signed by President Joe Biden and a $10,000 award from NSF. Awardees will also travel to Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony at a future date.
Congratulations to these two exceptional teachers!
Roosevelt Calendar
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board - Special Meeting or Work Session
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Policy Committee
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board- Regular Meeting