AVID at Robert Gray
What is AVID?
AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination and is a schoolwide approach to holding students to the highest standards. The AVID elective class prepares students for success in advanced high school classes and in college. At Robert Gray, we are fortunate to be able to focus on higher-order skills such as independent learning, critical thinking, communication and public speaking, and leadership.
What are the expectations for an AVID student?
Be a well-rounded student
Maintain average of C or above
Show great citizenship and attendance
Maintain an organized binder
Take highly-structured, notes
Participate in weekly Collaborative Study Groups
Write, Question, Collaborate, Stay Organized, Read
Take advanced classes
Remain in program through graduation from high school
What are the expectations for an AVID parent?
Encourage your students to achieve academically
Maintain regular contact with the AVID teacher
Become involved in the activities of the AVID program
What happens in the AVID program?
Students are motivated to pursue academic excellence through goal setting, rigorous classes, cultural and collegiate field trips, classroom speakers, AVID team building, Fun Fridays and special projects.
Students receive academic instruction in writing, note-taking, studying, test taking, and organizing.
Students receive structured time to do their best work in their Core classes
My AVID Binder
Use in ALL CORE CLASSESRequired Contents: (assembled in this order before the first day of school)
- 3-ring binder-- 3” with inside pockets
- Zipper pouch with 2 or more pens (some erasable), 2 or more pencils (sharpened), a handheld pencil sharpener with lid, 2 highlighters, sticky notes.
- Notebook paper, college ruled, part of a pack (store the rest)
- Student Handbook & Calendar (available at fall registration & in the main office)
- 6 colored tab subject dividers to separate class sections, labeled with class names
AVID Certification
The 2017-18 AVID CCI Form for Robert Gray Middle School has been approved by AVID Center.
RECOMMENDED CERTIFICATION LEVEL: All Domains are rated “Meets AVID Implementation Expectations” or higher.
RECOMMENDATIONS: During AVID Summer Institute, the team attending from Robert Gray will have time to work together to plan some of the AVID strategies that will support implementation during the 2018-19 school year. Robert Gray is encouraged to continue their professional development efforts to strengthen AVID implementation, including staff meetings, PLC times, and in-district AVID professional development workshops. AVID district support staff will be working with all sites to schedule visits at least once a month to support the work happening in schools. TOSA's will be expected to participate in AVID Site Team Meetings, at least three times during the school year. They will work with coordinator's to schedule these times. We will also visit AVID Elective classes at least twice during the year. AVID TOSA's will also be available to provide professional development on AVID strategies. Please consider other ways in which we can best support the work at your site.
COMMENDATIONS: The staff at Robert Gray have moved to schoolwide implementation of several AVID instructional strategies. The AVID Elective class is well-planned, including the use of binders and binder checks, students working collaboratively with clear learning targets/essential question, and tutors supporting students. College going culture is evident throughout the school. Robert Gray has personalized their student planners which are used consistently in all grades. There is also a big emphasis on the transition from middle school to high school.
AVID Field Trip to OSU
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Jacob Jonas-Closs
Jacob Jonas-Closs has taught in Portland Public Schools for over five years, and has taught AVID at two different locations before Robert Gray. He is passionate about helping Middle School students read and note important details, ask deep questions, and learn to approach School with a goal-oriented mindset. When he is not in the classroom, or reading, he is often gardening, hiking, watching the New England Patriots play football, or spending time with both his adorable orange cat, Atticus, and friendly Red Heeler Rusty.