• maia learning

    Maia Learning

    Maia Learning is PPS’s college and career planning resource for PPS high schools. 

    Maia Learning Website


    Welcome Cleveland Warriors Students and Families!

    We will be utilizing Maia Learning University & Career Research Tool as the college and career platform that students will use throughout their time at Cleveland to plan their futures.  This resource can assist students in discovering and exploring careers that fit their profiles; building academic, college, and career plans; creating portfolios that tell their stories; and managing college applications and recommendations. It offers:

    Assessments of interests, personality, and intelligence, with resulting career and continuing education recommendationsCareer Plans, including relevant, up-to-date occupation information and guidance with specific steps to reach those goals, including colleges that offer coursework in these career areas

    Academic Plans, with assignment management, grades, and progress toward graduation requirements.

    The ability to create portfolios where students tell their unique stories with goals, journals, experiences, galleries, and resumes.

    College Planning with college data for research and selection of schools to which students will apply opportunities for students to meet college representatives visiting our PPS schools (Offered virtually in 2020-21 school year).

    Request letters of recommendation from your teachers and counselor, complete student and parent surveys for counselor letters, and request transcripts to be sent to both the schools to which you apply and the school that you ultimately select.

    Sign up for college visits, opportunities for students to meet college representatives visiting our PPS schools (Offered virtually in 2020-21 school year).

    Maia Learning is designed to engage students so they can move forward with confidence. 

    All PPS students have accounts and are able to login to MaiaLearning using your PPS username and password.  Just use the “Sign in with Google” link and you will have automatic access.

    Click the video below to watch a brief overview of the Maia Learning platform:  

    maia video