Career-Related Learning Experiences
What is a CRLE?
Career-Related Learning Experiences (CRLEs) are structured educational experiences that connect learning to the world beyond the classroom. Some CRLEs happen at school and are arranged by our school staff. Community organizations and industry groups sponsor career days, mentor and internship programs too. Many students arrange their own half or full day job shadows by asking a neighbor, family friend or a friend's family member to host them. Some examples of CRLEs are:
- Job Shadow (half-day experience at work with a non-family member)
- Saturday Academy's Apprenticeships in Science & Engineering Internship (structured work + learning experience)
- Work with your school Career Coordinator to explore opportunities
- Oregon Engineers WeekIndustry-sponsored Career Day (one day event)
- Career Days organized by Portland Workforce Alliance
- Industry-sponsored Career Mentor Program or Career Exploration Program (long-term commitment)
- Architecture Construction Engineering (ACE) Mentor Program
- OHSU's Dental Career Exploration Program
- Washington County Search & Rescue Explorer Post
- Community Service Project/Volunteering (with a career focus)
- Career Field Trip with a teacher or club advisor
- College and Career class trips
- School-based career activity with an occupational focus (e.g. mock trial, publications, theater production, etc.)
- Regional Career Fairs
- Career-themed Lecture or Guest Speaker
- One-on-one Information Interview (with a non-family member)
All CRLE reflections are submitted through a Google Form.
Click here to complete your CRLE Reflection:
Stop by room 208 for assistance, or write Tanya at
- Job Shadow (half-day experience at work with a non-family member)