• Attendance Matters


    Contact Us:

    Email - clevelandattend@pps.net or call 503-916-5126 to report an absence. Email is preferred.

    Attendance Administrator - Sean Murray - 503-916-5120

    How do I excuse my student's absence?

    Email, preferred method, or call the attendance office. 

    Data is entered as soon as possible. However, we are not always able to process the large volume of absences prior to activating the automated notifications, so you may receive a notification even though you already reported the absence. You do not need to email or call again, all absences will be processed by the end of the day. You can check ParentVue to confirm the absence was marked correctly.


    Student Attendance Policy

    Oregon law requires parents/guardians to see that children between ages 7 and 18 years old attend school regularly. It is the legal responsibility of parents to have their children in school and ensure the student attends school regularly and in a timely manner (Reference: ORS 339.010-339.020). This responsibility lies with the student as well, because students are expected to attend all classes to the best of their ability, both daily and on time.


    Criteria to Excuse Absences from School

    Only absences for student sickness, appointments, religious holidays, family emergencies, or death in the family are considered excused.


    Procedures to Report a Student's Absence

    An email, most preferred, (Clevelandattend@pps.net ) or phone call (503-916-5126) is required to be sent by a parent or guardian for any tardiness or absence within three (3) days (Per district policy it is the parent’s responsibility to clear unexcused absences within three school days or 72 hours of the absence or the absences(s) will remain unexcused). When you notify the school regarding the absence, please indicate the following information:

    • Date 
    • Student full name
    • Reason for the absence
    • Date(s) of the absence


    Late Arrival

    Students arriving late to school are to report directly to class.


    Mid-Day Check-Out / Early Dismissal

    If your student is leaving during the school day, a parent or guardian must notify the Attendance Office via email or voicemail. When the student is leaving, all students need to sign-out in the Attendance Office and meet the parent/guardian outside. If your student is returning to school, students need to sign back in at the Attendance Office.

    We will not release students in the last 15 minutes of the school day, between 3:15-3:30pm. If your student needs to leave during this time, please make arrangements ahead of time so your student is aware and can follow the mid-day checkout procedures.

    On days when we have Flex, we are not able to locate students during Flex hours, 2:45-3:30pm. This is non-scheduled, extra help or special event time and students are not required to be in a specific location. If you need to have your student dismissed during Flex, please make arrangements ahead of Flex time.


    Automated Absence Notification Protocols

    Automated texts and emails are sent via REMIND twice each day, at 12:30 pm and 4:30pm. These are generated from an absence code of Absent (A), Late after Tardy (LAT) and Skipping (SKP).

    If you receive an automated notification, please follow these steps:

    1. Check ParentVue to see what code was used to mark your student absent.
    2. If your student was marked Absent (A) or Late after Tardy (LAT) and the absence was excused, please email the attendance office within 3 days of the absence (Per district policy it is the parent’s responsibility to clear unexcused absences within three school days or 72 hours of the absence or the absences(s) will remain unexcused).
    3. If you believe your student was incorrectly marked Absent (A), please have your student contact their teacher.


    10-Day Withdrawal Process

    Any absences (excused or unexcused) exceeding 10 consecutive school days require schools to withdraw students and remove them from enrollment; per Stat of Oregon Compulsory Attendance Statute ORS 339.010. To re-enroll, families will need to provide two proofs of address and the student will need to have a re-engagement meeting with the school counselor and Vice Principal.