College & Career Center
Helping Cleveland students find success after high school.
We believe that there are many pathways for students to take after graduation: community college, apprenticeship, 4-year college, military service, and direct entry into the workforce. Every student has incredible potential -- we are here to make sure they also have a plan.
In addition to Career Counselor Kenneth DeWeese and College Counselor Niki Trueblood, the CCC is staffed with trained parent volunteers who can help with college applications, essays, FAFSA, ORSAA, and questions big and small.
The CCC is open daily between 9 and 4:30 in Room 213. No appointment is necessary to meet with a volunteer.
CCC Website:
The College and Career Center Website has more information, including current scholarship opportunities, college prep checklists for junior and senior year, and a self-paced mini-course on preparing college applications.
Oregon Career Information Systems (CIS)
Oregon CIS is a great online tool for exploring interests, investigating possible careers and linking them to what kind of post high school education needed. Also, there are tools to help you search colleges, scholarships and free SAT/ACT prep.
For Students
Now that you have completed a Career-Related Learning Experience, you need to reflect and consider what you have learned, and how it can apply to your future. The questions included in the attached form are designed to help you reflect on the experience.
Remember, participating in Career Related Learning is a graduation requirement mandated by the Oregon Department of Education. You need to have participated in 2 CRLEs by the time you graduate and have documented them.
*Must be logged into PPS account to access