4-Year Planning for IB Diploma Students
8th Grade Fall Winter Attend Cleveland's Family Information Night ("Bridging the Gap") to learn about Cleveland and IB.
Spring Forecast for freshman classes, including a second language acquisition course in Chinese, French, German or Spanish. Arts - Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts - courses are one of the possible IB 6th Subject Elective options in the junior and senior years. Freshman interested in IB Music, IB Theatre, or IB Visual Arts should plan to take an introductory elective in the relevant CHS Arts program.
Summer INQUIRE! EXPLORE! READ! VOLUNTEER! 9th Grade Fall Enjoy freshman year, develop good study habits, and get involved in extracurricular.
Winter Aim to join National Honors Society by maintaining a 3.5 G.P.A. throughout the first 3 semesters of high school.
Spring When forecasting for next year's classes, make sure you are enrolled in a second-year language acquisition course French 3-4, German 3-4, Mandarin Chinese 3-4, Mandarin Chinese Immersion, Spanish 3-4 H or IB Spanish 5-6. Sophomores interested in IB Music, Theatre, or Visual Arts should plan to take a second-year elective in the relevant CHS Arts program.
Summer INQUIRE! EXPLORE! READ! VOLUNTEER! 10th Grade Fall Winter Students interested in earning IB Diploma must meet with IB Coordinator to develop a 2-year plan prior to forecasting.
Spring Attend CAS meeting for Diploma candidates (late May/early June).
Summer Complete any summer assignments for upcoming IB courses.
11th Grade Fall Attend IB Exam Registration Meeting.
Registration ends in early November. Late registration can be made through January 14 at a significantly increased cost.
Diploma students may register for 1-2 SL assessments. Certificate students also have the option to register for IB subject assessments.
Winter Complete Internal Assessments in IB classes.
Spring Attend Extended Essay meetings. Topic, research question, bibliography and outline due BEFORE school ends.
Attend MANDATORY exam preparation meeting, if applicable. IB exams for 3 weeks in May.
Summer Ongoing CAS work. At least 75 hours of CAS should be completed.
Complete any summer assignments for upcoming IB courses.
Research and take notes for the Extended Essay.