IB Subject Briefs
IB Subject Briefs offer an overview of the IB courses offered at Cleveland High School, including a description of the learning aims, the curriculum, and the assessment design for each course.
You can review IB Subject Briefs through the links below.
Language A: Studies in Language and Literature
IB English A Literature SL and HL
IB English A Language and Literature HL
IB Language A Literature Self-Taught SL (for non-native English speakers or fluent speakers of a second language)Language B: Language Acquisition
IB French SL
IB Mandarin Chinese SL and HL
IB Spanish SL and HLSocieties and Individuals
IB History of the Americas HL
IB Psychology SL and HL
IB Social and Cultural Anthropology SL and HL
IB World Religions SLExperimental Sciences
IB Biology SL and HL
IB Chemistry SL and HL
IB Environmental Systems and Societies SL
IB Physics SLMathematics
IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL and HL
IB Math Applications and Interpretation SLThe Arts
IB Theatre SL and HL
IB Visual Arts HL
IB Visual Arts SLDiploma Core
Theory of Knowledge (ToK)
CAS: Creativity, Activity, Service
Extended Essay