Self-Screening Checklist [TEXT]
This tool was developed in collaboration with local and state health authorities. You can use this tool every day to screen for common symptoms of illness that may require you to stay home to get better. We care about your privacy and all information shared with the school will remain confidential. PPS uses a layered mitigation approach to respond to communicable disease in schools. We encourage you to continue practicing personal mitigation measures like hand washing or using hand sanitizer, covering your cough, and masking. A school nurse may contact you by phone to gather more information about your student’s illness.
For a full list of symptoms that require you to stay home, see ODE/OHA Communicable Disease Guidance.
Parents/Guardians should notify the school if your student(s):
Develop any symptoms described below; OR
• Are diagnosed with a contagious disease like COVID-19, Chickenpox, hMPXV (“Monkeypox”), Measles, Meningitis, or Pertussis (Whooping Cough).
Staff should notify your supervisor if you:
Develop any symptoms described below; OR
• Are diagnosed with a contagious disease like COVID-19, Chickenpox, hMPXV (“Monkeypox”), Measles, Meningitis, or Pertussis (Whooping Cough).
Symptoms that require you to stay home
The list below gives school instructions, not medical advice. Please contact your health care provider with health concerns.
If Individual Has INDIVIDUAL MAY RETURN AFTER… NOTE: This list indicates the shortest time to stay home. Check with your provider about when it’s ok to return to work or school since some illnesses may require a longer recovery period. 2+ primary symptoms of COVID-19:
• Fever
• Cough
• Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• Loss of taste or smellCOVID-19 test is negative and the individual has gone 24 hours fever- free without the use of fever-reducing medication and other symptoms improve.
• Minimum 5-day isolation if you do not test or if your test is positive. Individuals must follow applicable symptom-based guidance for other symptoms.
• Wear a mask in school/work for an additional 5 days (Days 6-10) following a 5-day isolation.Skin rash or open sores •Rash is gone OR sores are dry OR the rash/sore can be completely covered by a bandage OR the school nurse received orders from a doctor indicating that the student can return. If you have a confirmed diagnosis of hMPXV (“Monkeypox”), your health provider must clear you to return to school/work. Fever: temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or greater Fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine.
• If you test positive for COVID-19 report it to the school/work.New cough OR
New difficulty breathingSymptoms improving for 24 hours (no cough or cough is well-controlled OR breathing comfortably)
• If diagnosed with pertussis (whooping cough), the student must take 5 days of prescribed antibiotics before returning.
• If you test positive for COVID-19 report it to the school/work.Diarrhea: 3 loose or watery stools in a day OR not able to control bowel movements Symptom-free for 48 hours OR with orders from doctor to school nurse. Vomiting: one or more episode that is unexplained Symptom-free for 48 hours OR with orders from doctor to school nurse.
When Do I Need To Quarantine?
COVID-19 Testing Info
Learn more about COVID-19 testing from our local public health partners at Multnomah County here.
School Based Health Clinics for additional COVID testing/vaccination appointments: https://www.multco.us/school/student-health-centers-locations-and-hours
COVID-19 Vaccination Info
Vaccination remains the most effective way to keep students and staff safe from COVID-19 and we urge all to be vaccinated or get boosted against the virus. We are proud that here in Multnomah County, our community continues to respond positively to public health recommendations, with over 44 percent of children 5 to 11 having received their first dose to date, 81 percent of students ages 12 to 17, and over 85 percent of adults vaccinated against COVID-19.
If you are still looking for a COVID-19 vaccine, here are a number of ways to locate a vaccine conveniently and free:
- Use this easy tool developed by OHSU to find a vaccine or booster shot. If you prefer, you can also schedule an appointment or ask questions by calling the OHSU hotline at 833-647-8222, weekdays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- The Multnomah County Student Health Centers on five PPS high school campuses, as well those at four non-PPS high schools, are now offering COVID-19 vaccines for students ages 5-11. Each clinic is setting aside specific times for vaccinations. See the hours and how to schedule.
- Multnomah County is holding regular vaccine clinics at Lloyd Center on Tuesdays from 2 to 8 p.m. and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The clinics are held on the second floor of the old Sears location. See more information.
- Those looking to get vaccinated or receive a booster can use the Oregon Health Authority’s Get Vaccinated Oregon The tool also helps you find sites to receive a COVID-19 test. (Please note that there is currently a nationwide testing shortage, making at-home tests difficult to obtain at this moment.)
How to upload your student's vaccination information:
The option for parents to upload their student’s Covid 19 Vaccination Card in ParentVUE is available in the Yearly Verification screen. Directions can be found HERE. Alternatively, a copy of the vaccination card may be turned in to the school nurse.
How to register your student's COVID-19 vaccine status into ParentVUE?
As more of your students get vaccinated against COVID-19, we want to ask you to share that information with us to help us make more efficient decisions on positive cases and quarantining, and to make informed plans for the future.
If your child has received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and is considered fully vaccinated, please enter that information into ParentVUE, our student data platform for families.
In September, we conducted a survey asking if your student had received a COVID-19 vaccine. Since then, vaccines for children ages 5 to 11 have been approved. We would like to gather more comprehensive data on how many of our students are vaccinated. The information will help us make informed decisions about how we conduct the rest of the school year and beyond.
Having the vaccination status of individual students will also help us more quickly identify students who need to be quarantined after close contact with an infected individual. Students who are fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine after a close contact as long as they remain symptom free.
Please note that if your child received a vaccine at a district-sponsored event on a PPS campus, that information is not automatically conveyed to ParentVUE. If your student was vaccinated at one of those events, please take a few moments to update your child’s status.
To update your children’s COVID-19 vaccine status, you will need their vaccine card. You can upload an image of the card into ParentVUE by following these simple instructions. You can also take, or have your student take, a copy of the vaccine card to your school office.
Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools