- How to access Canvas
- How to submit an assignment in Canvas
- How to keep track of assignments
- How to Check Grades In Canvas
- Canvas Student Quickstart Guide
- Parent Access to Canvas (Observer Pairing Code Info)
- Google Drive not "authorizing" in Canvas?
A number of students and teachers have had trouble “authorizing” the Google Drive in Canvas. Some troubleshoot measures we have found helpful:
- Make sure your Chromebook OS is up-to-date
- Log out and restart the Chromebook.
If your Chromebook fails to connect to WIFI
- Shut down your Chromebook completely and restart it after 10 seconds.
- If the problem persisted fill out this form to request help.
On Windows or Mac computers:- Clear the Chrome or browser cache
- Restart your computer
- How to access Canvas
All About Chromebooks
- Logging in Guide
- Logging in Video
- Connect Chromebook to WiFi
- Chromebook repair, exchange
- Updating Chrome OS for PPS Chromebook
- PPS Wifi Hotspots:Connecting Video
- How do I connect a PPS Chromebook to my home Wifi/hotspot?
Please see this Google Chromebook support page regarding non-PPS network connections. - I want to connect the PPS Chromebook to my home printer.
There are two ways to set up a home printer on a Chromebook. Please see the directions here. - I want to connect the Chromebook to an external monitor.
Depending on the model of Chromebook, and your monitor, you will need to use an HDMI cable or USB-C cable with the appropriate connection for your monitor. - I have lost the Chromebook / power cord. What do I do?
-If you have lost your PPS Chromebook, please file a police report as soon as possible and contact the Service Desk with the case number for further directions.
-If you have lost your Chromebook’s power cord, please contact the School Main Office with the tag number of the Chromebook to pick up a replacement. - Is there a way to adjust how long a student's Chromebook can be idle before it times out and goes to sleep?
The district’s policy is to lock the screen after 15 mins.
- Logging in Guide
Live Help?
Please contact Mirian Bermudez, FHS' Tech Assistant, @ mbermudez@pps.net or extension 84348.
We look forward to helping you address your tech issues!
What is ParentVUE? ParentVUE is a secure website and mobile app which offers parents, guardians real time access to student schedules, grades, course history, etc. Additionally, parent/guardians can complete their yearly verification of student data through ParentVUE
How do I get an account? You should have received a letter from PPS with a unique activation key needed to create an account, but you could have received that letter when your student first registered at PPS.
I have my activation key: Visit the ParentVue Portal to get set up.
-Step-By-Step Instructions (First Time Users):
- Before creating/activating your account, you'll first need an Activation Letter from your school. Please email
- Once you've received your Activation Letter containing the Activation Key, go to parentvue.pps.net
- Click Login to ParentVUE/StudentVUE
- Click I am a parent
- Click arrow under More Options
- Click Activate Account
- Click I Accept
- Enter your First Name, Last Name and the Activation Key provided with the activation letter
- Click Continue to Step 3
Create a unique Username
Enter a unique Password
Re-enter the unique password under Confirm Password
Enter your Primary E-Mail (same emailed you entered on the School Reg Form)
Click Complete Account Activation
You are now logged into ParentVUE!
- Before creating/activating your account, you'll first need an Activation Letter from your school. Please email
Remind App
StudentVUE is a secure website and mobile app which offers students real time access to their class schedule, attendance, grades, etc.
Students are automatically provided access to StudentVUE, using their standard PPS network credentials. If a student has any issues logging into StudentVUE, please Please fill out this form
Username And Password Support
Students usernames follow the pattern of first initial, last name, last four digits of their student ID, "@student.pps.net." For example Jay Raddison who's ID number is 123456 would have a username of jraddison3456@student.pps.net.
If you do not know what your student username is:
- Contact the school main office
If you need to reset your student password:
- Please use this link to request one.
- Contact the school main office
Portland Public Schools implemented a new product that allows students to have a single password for all of the accounts they use in the Comprehensive Distance Learning we are starting the 2022-23 school year with.
The portal also provides improved password security by enforcing stronger password rules. It is intended for students in grades 6-12.
Click here for more information.
Plataformas Y Herramientas Para El Aprendizaje A Distancia
PPS Multilingual Phone Services:
• 中文 | Chinese: 503-916-3585
• Русский | Russian: 503-916-3583
• Soomaali | Somali: 503-916-3586
• Español | Spanish: 503-916-3582
• Tiếng Việt | Vietnamese: 503-916-3584