UPDATED: Will OHSU be providing weekly screening for students again next year (2023-24)?
New ODE/OHA Changes to Covid-19 Protocol (May 10, 2023)
Weekly opt-in “screening” testing for K-12 students and staff without COVID-19 symptoms will end July 31 as funding for the effort wraps up.
UPDATED: When do I need to quarantine?
New ODE/OHA Changes to Covid-19 Protocol (May 10, 2023)
A five-day period of isolation for those infected with COVID-19 also will no longer be recommended for the general population, including people in K-12 education settings. Oregon public health officials believe widespread population immunity due to vaccination and repeated infections means many COVID-19 infections are now likely asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, and the five-day isolation period is doing little to reduce transmission.
Instead, officials say, the recommendation for the general population will be to stay home until fever free for 24 hours and symptoms are improving; avoid contact with individuals at increased risk for severe disease, including older adults and those with underlying medical conditions; and consider masking for 10 days.
Are rapid tests available in the nurse's office?
Yes! If you feel ill at school, you can get tested in the nurse's office. But first, you'll need to sign and return a consent form. You can sign for yourself if you are at least 15 years old, but anyone 14 and younger will need a parent/guardian's signature before a test can be administered.
Click here to download and print a consent form. Copies are also available in the nurse's office.
Do I have to wear a mask at school?
Across all PPS schools and buildings and across COVID-19 community levels, students, staff, volunteers and visitors may choose to wear masks based on their individual risk assessment (e.g., increased risk for severe disease or family or community members at increased risk for severe disease). Masking will be normalized and welcomed within every school community at PPS. Masking will be strongly encouraged, but not required, during high community transmission. Due to the nature of COVID-19, PPS guidelines are subject to change based on public health directives.
Masks will be required in school health rooms, isolation spaces, offices where mental health counseling services are delivered, school-based health centers, and other areas where healthcare is routinely delivered (OAR 333-019-1011).
Each school will have readily available standard non-surgical/medical masks, child masks and adult KN95 masks for individuals who want or need a mask.
How do I update my student's vaccination records on ParentVue?
To support contact tracing efforts and quarantine decision making, PPS will be collecting COVID-19 vaccination information for our students. Here are instructions for parents/guardians to upload their student’s Covid 19 Vaccination Card in ParentVUE.
1. To access ParentVUE in your web browser, go to: https://parentportland.cascadetech.org/portland/
Click on I am a Parent to log into ParentVUE. Enter your username and password. Click Login.
2. On the Select Registration page, select "2022-23 Current Year- Yearly Verification" from the drop down menu. Click on the Begin New Student Registration link.
3. In Yearly Verification, families will be able to update their student information and upload their Covid Vaccination Card. Click the Upload button to proceed.
This information will be added to your student’s immunization record in the Synergy Student Information System.
4. If you have already updated your student’s information in Yearly Verification, you can still go back to the Yearly Verification screen by clicking on Yearly Verification in the upper right-hand corner of the ParentVUE screen. You will be able to upload the Covid 19 Vaccination Record at this time.
What do I do if my student tests positive for Covid-19?
Parents/guardians can contact the attendance secretary via email franklinattend@pps.net or at 503-916-3543 to report any absences, including absences due to a communicable disease. Email is preferred.
Once the school has been notified of a positive case, you will be contacted by a staff member or the school nurse to determine next steps.
Where can I find up-to-date PPS protocols about Covid-19?
Where can I get a vaccine?
Who should get tested?
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 [Link], you should get tested immediately, regardless of your vaccination status. You should stay home and away from others while you wait for the results of your COVID-19 test.
If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should consider getting tested at least five days after exposure, regardless of your vaccination status.
If you develop symptoms within 10 days of exposure, get tested [Link] immediately and stay home until you know the test results. Wear a well-fitting mask [Link] around others.
Exposure means being within six feet of someone for 15 minutes or more over the course of a day, with or without a mask or face covering.