• Franklin High School PTSA’s goal is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


    How can you help? 


    2024-2025 General Meeting Dates (6:30pm, see weekly newsletters for details):

    • Thursday, September 12th: Library *with very special guest, PPS Superintendent, Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong
    • Thursday, October 17th: Library
    • Wednesday, January 15th: Room M-221
    • Thursday, March 13th: Room M-221
    • Thursday, May 8th: Library

    Current & Archived Principal’s Bulletins: https://www.smore.com/u/fhsptsa.communications 

  • PTSA Board Members

Position Name Email
President Joy Poole presfhsptsa@gmail.com
Vice President Hannah Kramer vicepresfhsptsa@gmail.com
Secretary Kathryn Schmidt secfhsptsa@gmail.com
Treasurer Lauren MacKenzie treasfhsptsa@gmail.com
Membership Isabel Toledo membershipfhsptsa@gmail.com
Communications commfhsptsa@gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinators Gina Binole & Kara Busse vipsfhsptsa@gmail.com
Legaslative Liason legfhsptsa@gmail.com
Member-at-Large Kristin DeBenedetto
Student Body President TBD