
Course Offerings

  • Advanced Art: College

    Experience: The Advanced Art course offers a challenging and enjoyable experience that equips students with the skills needed to create a quality portfolio suitable for college applications. This course is beneficial even for those not specializing in art. This course is designed for students who are seriously interested in gaining practical experience in two-dimensional art. Participants will focus on developing mastery in concept, composition, and execution of their artistic ideas. Course Structure: In the first semester, students will focus on black-and-white media through projects inspired by contemporary art. These projects will include experimental drawing techniques, painting, animation, darkroom and digital photography, graphic novel/comic art, stenciling, and more. In the second semester, students will develop a body of work referred to as a “Concentration,” which investigates a personally significant idea. Expectations: Like any college course, Advanced Art requires considerable time commitment, creativity, critical thinking, and a willingness to push beyond comfort zones. Prerequisite: Intermediate Art


    Ceramics 1-2 and 3-4 are for both beginners and those who have already taken a ceramics class but wish to continue exploring the medium. Ceramics 1 will introduce hand-building techniques and “throwing” on the potter’s wheel. We will examine low-fire glazing techniques and find inspiration in the works of contemporary and historical ceramicists. Ceramics 2 will build upon their previous knowledge of the subject by combining various construction methods to create more complex forms. We will also examine alternative firing techniques. An emphasis on safe and successful studio practices will be expected of all participants.


    Design Capstone

    Students will propose, explore, create, and present a long-term action-research project. This project is designed for each student to bring their voice and aesthetic to the forefront, exhibiting the best of what they have learned while expanding their learning. The culmination will include a visual artifact such as a website, perfect book, portfolio, etc…, a presentation to industry professionals, and an exhibit. Students will participate in a minimum of one work-based learning experience which could be a class at PCC. Students will exit this course with the ability to produce work, market, and make connections to their career goals. Prerequisite: Any intermediate-level class from the Digital Design Program of Study or Graphic Design.


    Design Foundations

    In this art course students will learn the basics of drawing, Painting, basic design concepts, and 3D art. This class is excellent for those who want to learn art skills, explore an art profession, or develop a useful hobby. This class will help students to begin to follow their own artistic path and listen to their own instinctive creativity. Students will learn to see as an artist by creating artworks in pencil, ink, watercolor, acrylic and clay. Art history from many cultures both historical and contemporary is woven into studio assignments. Students will have the opportunity to exhibit their artwork in a variety of venues and have many opportunities to work independently. Both beginners and those with art experience will benefit. This class is for students who have an interest and motivation to learn about art and art techniques as well as an ability to work maturely and independently in a studio art setting.


    Intermediate Graphic Design

    Intermediate Graphic Design is a Dual Credit course that builds on Design Foundations. While exploring visual problem solving, students use industry software platforms and traditional techniques to develop their voice and aesthetic. As a CTE course, we will study many areas of the graphic design industry through field trips, visiting designers, and research presentations. Logo creation, typography, marketing projects, infographics, promotional materials, and various uses for illustration and design will be discussed. Students will learn five stages of design thinking: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. Integral to this is a sketchbook that records design, research, idea generation, and reflective thinking. 


    Intermediate Printmaking

    Printmaking with Emphasis on Screen Printing 

    In this course, students will explore various techniques of printmaking, including relief printing, screenprinting, monotype, stencils, and collage. Key Topics Covered: The course will examine the distinctive nature of printmaking, tools, inks, and paper, plate preparation and registration, printing processes, and the qualities of prints such as overlays, transparency, offset, and multiple images. Course Objectives: The goal is for students to develop skills and confidence in producing multiple images through hand printing and using a press. They will learn how to work in a printshop and create artwork for customers while having opportunities to explore their personal visual expression. Students will engage in problem-solving related to drawing, design, and color through hand printmaking techniques. Class sessions will consist of independent and collaborative printing, demonstrations, discussions and critiques. Art History and Theory: Students will be introduced to the work of contemporary artists with an emphasis on the basic Elements of Art and Principles of Design in their artwork. Career and Technical Education (CTE): As part of a CTE course, we will include business education and career-related experiences through field trips and visits from industry professionals.


    Intermediate Studio Art builds on Design Foundations and prepares students for Advanced Art. Students will explore a variety of traditional and digital art media through an array of projects, including portraiture, landscape, still life, comics, activist art, textiles, and digital painting. We focus on conceptual exploration of ideas, brainstorming, and finding students' individual voices. Sketchbooks are used extensively for practice, notetaking, and idea generation, creating a catalog of art exploration from the year. 


    Photography/Video Production

    This course is designed for both beginners and those who have previously taken a photography or video class but wish to further explore the medium. Photography at Jefferson is unique because we have one of the few remaining darkrooms in the Portland Public Schools (PPS). Starting in the darkroom allows students to understand the evolution of photography. In the first semester, students will learn about alternative photography techniques, DSLR camera operations using manual settings, and industry-standard editing software, Photoshop. The second semester focuses on video production using the latest mirrorless cameras equipped with microphones. Students will explore camera angles, interview techniques, motion graphics, and special effects. Throughout the year, students will be introduced to techniques used in professional photography and video, including studio lighting, photo editing, and composition techniques. They will draw inspiration from both historical and contemporary artists. Additionally, they will use software such as After Effects, Photoshop, and Adobe Rush for video editing. All projects are hands-on, emphasizing composition, creativity, and originality. Students will have several opportunities to showcase their artwork on platforms such as the JHS Art website, the Cherry Sprout Market, PCC, and additional venues.