Course Offerings

    Designated English Language Development (ELD)

    This class is offered to multilingual students at the beginning level of English language proficiency.  Students learn the fundamentals of English, both social and academic language, in a small environment with a specialist.  Emphasis is placed on vocabulary development, speaking and listening practice, and reading and writing at the appropriate level.  Students in this class generally score 1 or 2 on the ELPA or ELPA screener.  For more information on English language proficiency levels, please see below.

    PPS has adopted the curriculum Get Ready! by Vista Higher Learning as the core materials for this class.  For more information about Get Ready!, click here.

    Integrated English Language Development (ELD)

    In this model, students who qualify for ELD services receive tailored instruction and support in one or more of their academic classes.  This model is used for students who have enough English proficiency to access grade-level content but would benefit from the further development of their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in English.  This model also allows students to access an additional class during the term.  The ELD specialist works with these students who are at the intermediate and early advanced levels through co-teaching with the teacher of another subject (like English, Science, Math, etc.).  For more information on English language proficiency levels, please see below.

    Proficiency Level



    Level 1


    Displays few grade-level English skills.

    Level 2

    Early Intermediate

    Presents evidence of developing grade-level English language skills.

    Level 3


    Applies some grade-level English language skills. 

    Level 4

    Early Advanced

    Demonstrates English language skills required for engagement with grade-level academic content instruction at a level comparable to non-ELs.

    Level 5


    Exhibits superior English language skills.

    Please contact us if we can provide any specific information about your students’ progress in English Language Development or about how your student is receiving ELD support at Jefferson.

    Pre Algebra 1-2 (NewComer)
    This course is designed for students who have had an interrupted education and need to develop basic literacy and numeracy skills. Students are new to the United States and may not have attended school each year in their home country. The program will focus on fundamental math skills (counting reading and writing numbers to basic whole number math operations, progressing to rational numbers and solving equations) Prerequisite: IPT level D
    Sheltered Language Arts
    Sheltered Language Arts is a course designed to build a background in the English language arts. Students read and examine short literature selections in all genres. Students learn the writing process and write in various modes, including poetry, narrative and short essays. Academic vocabulary includes literary elements. Prerequisite: IPT level A or B ELPA Beginning or early intermediate
    Sheltered Social Studies
    This class covers a variety of topics including colonization, human rights, immigration, globalization, climate change, terrorism, wars, civil rights movements, and U.S. domestic and foreign policy. Materials and activities are designed to meet the unique needs of beginner English Language Learners. This class can be used for Modern World History and US History credits. Prerequisite: None
  • Kate Yocum

    ELD Teacher/Case Manager


    503-916-5180 ext. 71279


    Annelies Bulow

    Sheltered Social Studies Teacher


    503-916-5180 ext. 71069


    Nyki Tews 

    Nyki Tews

    Sheltered English/Language Arts Teacher


    503-916-5180 ext. 78561