PIL Hall of Fame
The Portland Interscholastic League (PIL) Hall of Fame, a non-profit organization, operates for the purpose of enriching the lives of Portland, Oregon, high school students through participation in competitive athletics.
The mission of the PIL Hall of Fame is to:
- Provide support for high school athletic programs. Through the years the PIL has sustained dramatic budget cuts, resulting in athletes paying a participation fee to offset the costs of athletic programs.
- Develop financial support to improve existing athletic facilities and support services so they are comparable to other 5A and 6A high schools in Oregon.
- Recognize a PIL Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year from each high school.
- Recognize excellence in athletics and academics by honoring coaches, individuals, and teams for accomplishments and contributions to the PIL
The website is http://www.pilhalloffame.org/
Interested in athletics records for the state of Oregon? Check out this site: (unaffiliated with PPS or the PIL)