• 2024-2025 Attendance Procedures

    Parents can now use ParentVUE to report attendance for Full-Day absences!

    Please use ParentVUE to excuse your student's absence. If you need to activate your ParentVUE account, please email mcdanielattend@pps.net.

    ParentVUE Attendance Instructions:

    ParentVUE Graphic

    You may use this ParentVUE for full-day or multi-day absences. Please note that the parent or guardian must excuse an absence or tardy even if the student is 18 years old.  



    Partial Day Absences 

    If your students need to leave early or come in late, please email mcdanielattend@pps.net and include your name, student name, student ID number, details of the absence and a return phone number.  You may also call our attendance line at 503-916-5229. Please note, some days get busy and we may not get attendance updated prior to ROBOCALLS going out. You do not need to call or email again. Attendance will get updated.   



    Robocalls go out twice a day and are sent on the day a student is marked absent. If a student was marked absent in a class before lunch, a robocall is sent at 1:00pm. For missed classes after lunch, the robocall goes out at 5:30pm. (Please note that the first class after lunch can be tricky. Robocalls go out in the middle of that class period and an attendance code can change during the class.) Robocalls are turned on at the district level. We have no control over them at high school. 

    If you receive a robocall:

    1) Please use ParentVUE if the absence is excused and a parent/guardian forgot to contact the main office.

    2) If a parent/guardian receives a call but your student believes this is an error, please have your student contact their teacher for that reported absence to receive more information.



    We recommend giving as much notice as possible when you need to have your student leave school for an appointment or other reason.  Please call our Main Line at 503-916-5220. Please do not leave a message as it may not be heard in time.  Instead, please call back until you reach someone. 



    1)  If a student is tardy or arriving late to school for any reason, please stop in the office to check in and receive a tardy pass.


    2) If your student signed out for an appointment but has returned to school, they should sign back into the office.