• Franklin Attendance Information

    To excuse your student, please provide the following details:

    • Student’s full name
    • Student ID number
    • Reason for the absence
    • Your name and phone number/email
    • Only adults listed on the student contact form are allowed to excuse the student

    You may report absences, late arrivals, or early releases using one of the following methods:

    • Call: 503-916-3543 (Attendance Office)
    • Email: franklinattend@pps.net
    • Send a note: Have your student bring a written note to the Attendance Office (located in the Main Office).
    • Use ParentVUE: Full-day absences can be reported through ParentVUE. (This option is not available for tardies or partial-day absences.)

    For attendance-related concerns, contact:
    Alfredo Quintero, Administrator for Attendance Issues
    Email: aquintero@pps.net