Degrees and Certifications:
Watson, CJ
I am the new weight training and health teacher here at Lincoln! I was also hired as the head baseball coach. I grew up in Vancouver, Washington an absolute sports maniac and nothing has changed. I love staying active by hiking, running, and weight training. I played four years of college baseball while receiving my degree in Education at Concordia University in Portland. Before arriving at Lincoln I was a collegiate baseball coach at George Fox University. I also enjoy spending time with my family and traveling. I am a high energy and passionate educator, excited about the opportunity to work within such a supportive community!
C.J. Watson
Lincoln High School
Weight Training and Health Teacher
Head Baseball Coach
Email: cwatson2@pps.net
Phone: 503-916-5200
Weight Training, Health
Make-up Sheet
Class schedule 2015-16:
Teaching Schedule A Day
Period Class
1 Adv. Speed, Agility & Weight Training
2 Speed, Agility & Weight Training
3 Speed Agility & Weight Training
4 Planning
Teaching Schedule B Day
Period Class
5 Health
6 Health
7 Planning
8 Speed, Agility & Weight Training