

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Angie McVay


Phone: 503-916-5200


Daily communications are done via Canvas


Schedule A Day

Period                                                          Class
1                                                                  Planning
2                                                                  IB Physics 3-4
3                                                                  IB Physics 1-2
4                                                                  IB Physics 1-2

Schedule B Day

Period                                                           Class
5                                                                   Planning
6                                                                   Physics: NGSS 1-2 "Patterns Physics" 
7                                                                   Physics: NGSS 1-2 "Patterns Physics" 
8                                                                   IB Physics 1-2


General Information

A variety of support is available to students in my classes.

1. I utilize Synergy and post graded assignments and tests regularly. If an assignment is listed, but no score given for a student, I have not entered grades yet. A zero indicates the assignment is past due.

2. I am available everyday we have flex to help students. I encourage students to complete homework, especially problem solving, in flex. If they run into a problem, I will be there to help them. I may also require a student who is not succeeding in class to attend flex to work on science. Students who are absent from class should plan on spending a flex period with me to make up what they missed.

3. I accept late work.  Please see me to make a plan for making up missed or late assignments.

4.  Please see Canvas Modules for daily assignment details or for the syllabus.