Degrees and Certifications:
Mary Rechner
Students and families can find materials for each day's classwork and assignments on Canvas.
Please contact me by email: mrechner@pps.net
Follow student publications:
The Cardinal Times @cardinaltimes
The Cardinal Yearbook @lhscardsyearbook
Mass Communications @lhs_masscomm
Teaching Schedule
Period 1 Yearbook, Cardinal Yearbook
Period 2 Mass Communications
Period 3 Prep
Period 4 Adv Mass Comm, The Cardinal Times
Period 5 NA
Period 6 NA
Period 7 Prep
Period 8 Journalism (1,2 & 3,4 & 5,6) (AKA Broadcast Journalism: this class makes podcasts and videos for The Cardinal Times.)
I grew up on Long Island, graduated from Swarthmore College with a degree in English Literature and Women’s Studies, completed my teaching certification at the University of New Mexico, and earned my MFA in Creative Writing at Antioch University, Los Angeles. I've taught middle and high school Language Arts in Albuquerque and Vermont as well as writing classes to college students at Portland State University, the University of Portland, and Portland Community College. From 2008-2017, I was the Director of Youth Programs at Literary Arts, where I helped to promote youth voice and writing through Writers in the Schools, the Verselandia Youth Poetry Slam, the Portland Book Festival, and in print and online student publications. I'm the author of the novella The Opposite of Wow, the story collection Nine Simple Patterns for Complicated Women and the novel-in-stories Marrying Friends.