IB Results
If you registered for IB Exams and completed all required components (including submitting internal assessments and sitting for exams), you will receive an IB score.
How to Check Your IB Scores
IB scores will be released in the first week of July (usually on July 6) and available to view in the IB Student Portal. Students will receive an email from Rachel McCormick entitled "How to check your IB Scores" sent in May of the year they tested. Emails are sent to the student's PPS email address, which will be accessible throughout the summer. If we had a personal email address, the message was also sent to that email address. Please look for this email BEFORE contacting the IB Coordinator to request your login codes.
Concerns about Your Scores
Students may apply to re-take an exam or request a re-mark of your assessment components for an additional fee. Fees are not charged for re-marks that result in a grade change; however, grades can be raised or lowered in the process of re-marking. Please contact IB Coordinator Kim Bliss by email at kbliss@pps.net by July 25th if you are interested in re-takes or re-marks, or have questions about your scores and wish to discuss these options. The deadline to register for a November re-take is typically late July of that same year.
Sending Scores to Your University or College
In May, seniors indicate where they want their scores sent by entering their university/college choice into Maia learning. Juniors will have an opportunity to indicate where they want their scores sent in their senior year.
Students can view the university/college where results will be sent by logging into the IB candidate website candidates.ibo.org and clicking on the transcripts tab. Do not submit duplicate requests as this will delay the sending of results, and you will be charged for any duplicate requests.
IB results that are sent electronically to universities/colleges will be available to download that same day. Results mailed in a paper format will be sent at the end of July, except for several countries such as Spain, India, Germany and Sweden where the admissions deadlines are much earlier and therefore, the results are sent out earlier to meet these deadlines.
If you are interested in sending additional transcripts, you must complete the transcript request form on the public IBO website, using THIS LINK and pay a small fee.
Additional Resources
IB Credit Policies for Oregon state universities
IB Credit Policies for Washington state universities
IB Credit Policies at US Universities
Find countries and universities that recognize the IB