The IB Diploma Programme
The IB Diploma Programme is a broad-based, two-year course of study for juniors and seniors. The IB Diploma Programme begins in Grade 11, and focuses on six academic subjects groups and three core elements. Students who successfully complete the IB Diploma Programme will earn an IB Diploma, which is recognized in over 70 countries by more than 2,000 universities.
The classes within the IB Diploma Programme fall under six academic subject groups:
Language and Literature (English)
Language Acquisition (Arabic, French, German, Mandarin, Spanish)
Individuals & Societies (Anthropology, Global Politics, History, Philosophy, Psychology)
Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
Mathematics (Math Analysis, Math Applications)
Arts (Film, Visual Arts)
The three core elements are:
The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course, which encourages students to think about the nature of knowledge, to reflect on the process of learning in all the subjects they study and to make connections across the diverse group of academic areas engage with as part of the IB Diploma Programme.
The Extended Essay (EE), a substantial piece of independent research and writing of up to 4,000 words, enables students to investigate a self-selected topic of special interest.
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) involves students in experiential learning through a range of artistic, sporting, physical, and community service activities.
As part of the IB Diploma, students select classes from each of these subject groups to create their own academic path. Some of these classes are Standard Level (SL) which require 150 hours of study. Other classes are Higher Level (HL) and require 240 hours of study to complete. All the HL classes are 2-year courses, some of the SL courses are 2-year courses and some are 1-year.
This comprehensive range of subjects and levels makes the IB Diploma Programme a demanding course of study that prepares students effectively for college. In each of the academic areas, students have flexibility in making their choices, enabling them to select subjects that they may wish to study during their college careers.
IB Diploma Requirements
During their junior and senior years, IB Diploma candidates are required to complete coursework in all six areas of study (English, a second world language, history, science, mathematics and the fine arts or an IB elective).Students must complete a total of six courses -- at least three (and not more than four) Higher Level courses and two or three Standard Level courses.
Students will achieve the IB Diploma based upon successful completion of their six courses, their Extended Essay, the Theory of Knowledge course, and the Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) component.All Group 1, 2, 4 and 5 courses take two years to complete. There are one year options in groups 3 and 6.
Students must sit for an exam in each of the six subject areas. Students can only take exams for courses in which they are enrolled. Students may take HL and SL exams during their senior year. Students can take up to two SL exams during their junior year. If an IB subject is completed prior to junior year, students will not be able to take the exam.
Below is an overview of the course offerings at Lincoln and the HL and SL options that are available to students.
Students self-select into the IB Diploma Programme during forecasting by selecting IB Diploma Workshop/IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK). IB Diploma Workshop/IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is another requirement of the Diploma. Diploma Workshop is taken during the first semester of a student’s junior year and second semester of their senior year. IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is taken second semester of their junior year and first semester of their senior year.
Another requirement of the Diploma is Community, Activity, and Service (CAS). CAS is completed over the two year IB Diploma Programme. CAS allows for student learning and experiences outside of the classroom. It is an eighteen month commitment to explore creativity, activity and service. Seven areas of growth are documented through goal setting and reflection. Students will learn more about this IB requirement during Diploma Workshop.
The final requirement of the Diploma is the Extended Essay (EE). Students work with an advisor and complete their EE at the end of the first semester senior year. The EE is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. The EE is mandatory for all students and provides practical preparation for undergraduate research as well as an opportunity for students to investigate a topic of special interest to them. Students will learn more about this IB requirement during TOK.
Students may receive up to one year of college credit and advanced standing based on their Diploma score. Below are some examples of IB Diploma schedules at Lincoln: