• Update for Monday: Distance Learning Continues; Buildings Closed; Important Meals Information

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    Dear PPS Families,

    After having already adjusted and changed so many of the things that go into the start of a school year, we have been hit with yet another challenge as wildfires burn across our region. We know that some members of our district community have been more directly affected by these fires. Our hearts and thoughts are with them.

    A small number of educators might not be available to teach tomorrow due to fire-related impacts. In those cases, principals will work out an alternate plan for instruction, either providing asynchronous learning activities or arranging for a substitute teacher for the class for the day. In most cases, our teachers will be present for instruction tomorrow and will continue connecting with students while starting to shift to more academic learning as we begin our instructional schedule. We appreciate your patience as we offer this flexibility to our impacted employees.

    Finally, all school sites will remain closed Monday. All school-based activities are canceled for Monday, with the exception of meal distribution. We understand that many of our students count on this nutrition; as such, meals will be distributed at all PPS meal sites (with the exception of Woodlawn Elementary) on Monday, with reduced hours from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Please note that distribution might look different than usual, as staff will stay indoors until students and families arrive. Please also note that door-to-door meal deliveries scheduled for Monday are being postponed due to hazardous air quality forecasts for Monday morning, and will instead happen on Tuesday.