• A New Facility for MPG!

    We have an exciting new facility to house our MPG family, the hayu alqi uyxat (Chinook for Many Future Paths) building located at 1530 NE Glisan. This amazing building houses several of our MPG schools and programs including Teen Parent Childcare, Alliance High School, Teen Parent Services, Reconnection Services, DART campus Kuumba and DART administrative offices. To learn more visit our bond webpage

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Multiple Pathways
to Graduation

Multiple Pathways
to Graduation

  • Multiple Pathways To Graduation.....

    Where EVERY student is

    Welcome, Wanted, and Worthy.


    A central component of the mission of Portland Public Schools is to “support all students in achieving their very highest educational and personal potential.”

    The Multiple Pathways to Graduation Mission is to “provide educational options for all youth that empower, engage, and prepare them for college, work training, and global citizenship while serving as a vanguard for systemic educational change.” The district is committed to providing an appropriate learning environment for all students.

    Alternative education options can be either district operated or community based. These options are developed to meet the needs of a specific student population. Alternative education options can be either a program of a school or an independent school. To meet student’s needs, alternative education options generally offer something different from or in addition to the regular curriculum and may offer something different from regular school hours.

    Brochure: Listing of PPS Multiple Pathways to Graduation programs
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    Multiple Pathways to Graduation Organizational Chart

    Education Options Review Status Report

    The current PPS Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook can be found on the Mutli-Tiered Systems of Support page: link

    The District is collaborating with the Portland Association of Teachers to update this document to align with recent changes in State Law (SB 553).

    All schools are concurrently engaged in a process of creating school specific School Climate Handbooks in collaboration with staff, students, families and community partners to meet the unique needs of each school community.  



Korinna Wolfe, M.Ed, MSW
Area Senior Director, Multiple Pathways to Graduation
(503) 916-5437
Lorna Fast Buffalo Horse, Ed.D.
Area Senior Director, Office of School Performance
Office: (503) 916-5437 Cell: (971) 322-9726
Paula Halverson
Administrative Assistant
Fax: 503-916-2238