Publication Services
Publication Services
Process for Requesting Specialized Printing
With the closure of the PPS Print Shop, it was necessary to find another option for the specialized printing that may be needed for the schools and Departments. OTIS has partnered with Pacific Office Automation (POA) to provide this service.
The process for specialized printing will be similar to what you have experienced in the past.
To submit print requests, visit pubtech.pps.net and sign in with your district username and password. Select the type of printing you need and follow the on-screen instructions specific to your print job.
Each school and department will have their budget codes already in the website but there is an option to use a different budget code when needed. Each site/department will be responsible for paying for all printing submitted through this process.
Delivery of Printed Materials
Printed materials will be delivered to the PPS Mail room each afternoon to be distributed to the schools. You do have the option to select Pick Up (from PPS Mail room) if you choose when submitting the print job. Most print jobs will be completed in 2 days but no more than 7 days depending on the complexity of the printing. If the printing will take more than 2 days, you will be notified.
This is a new process and there will be some breaking in of the process that we will work through. We will all do our best to make this new process work seamlessly for everyone.
Copiers & Printers
In the Spring and early summer, all sites received their new copiers and printers in their buildings. These new devices have a larger capacity for printing and the expectation is that regular printing will be done on site. If your staff need any additional training on these copiers and printers, please contact the Service Desk via support.pps.net to request training.
If you have any questions, please contact the OTIS Service Desk support.pps.net, support@pps.net, or 503-916-3375.