Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong
Portland Public Schools
Dr. Kimberlee Armstrong has a record of advancing student achievement, addressing racial inequities, and closing the achievement gap for students of color through her dynamic approach to classroom innovation, curriculum enhancement, and professional development.
She brings to the District a deep understanding of Oregon, Portland and PPS as a parent, educational leader and an active member of the community.
Dr. Armstrong’s experience as a teacher, a coach, a principal, a parent and national educational leader, as well as a former intercollegiate basketball player, will translate to the kind of visionary leadership and community teamwork needed to propel PPS into a new era of excellence.
Together, We Rise: Advancing Literacy,
Strengthening Safety, and Building Trust
Messages From The Superintendent
District News
Wishing You A Restorative Break
12/15/2022Dear families, students, and colleagues,
It has been a joy to visit learning spaces over the past four months and see our students reengaged in their classroom learning and school activities. I am pleased to observe our students interacting with peers and diving into new curriculum materials.
This has been a very productive time for Portland Public Schools. My appreciation to all the dedicated Team PPS members who work everyday to make our school system better and stronger.
Superintendent Guerrero’s Statement on Gun Violence and Impact on School Safety
12/13/2022Yesterday, for the third time in two months, a gun was fired just outside a Portland Public Schools campus. In two of those instances, PPS students have been injured. And across the city, during this same time period, far too many Portlanders have been victims of our region’s escalating gun violence.
As a lifelong educator, I see my primary responsibility as ensuring the safety and well-being of the children and youth under our care, as well as their teaching and learning. I am grateful for the commitment and service of our educators and support staff who everyday dedicate themselves to accomplishing these goals.
A Note from the Superintendent: In Gratitude
11/17/2022In Gratitude
November 17, 2022
Dear PPS families and students,
Every week, I am filled with joy and gratitude when I visit our school communities. We have a community that continues to demonstrate a commitment to the success of our children and youth. We have adults who care deeply for our students, and who work hard to ensure each child thrives.
Dr. Kimberlee ArmstrongSuperintendentCheryl PitmanConfidential Executive Assistant