Office of Government
Office of Government
The Office of Government Relations monitors and analyzes policy issues considered by government entities at the local, state, and federal levels. It serves as the primary point of contact for elected officials and policymakers, helps craft legislation and advocates for the enactment of policies and budgets that support the priorities identified by the Board and the Superintendent to promote student achievement.
2025 Legislative Agenda for PPS
The Portland Public Schools’ advocacy agenda calls for policies and investments that make our schools safe, welcoming, and equitable spaces for learning. The 2025 Advocacy Agenda is aligned with PPS’s Strategic Plan and Board Goals. In addition to the issues identified below, the Office of Government Relations supports and advocates for legislative proposals, technical fixes, and initiatives that are consistent with the Strategic Plan and will pursue necessary actions in 2025 as new issues arise..
Who Represents You?
Elected officials at the federal and state level play large roles in the funding that Portland Public Schools receives. Here is how to find the elected officials who have the most impact on PPS (names link to official website, where contact information is available):
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Governor, State of Oregon
Oregon Legislature
- The enrollment area for PPS is represented by several different state representives and senators. To find yours, use the state's Find Your Legislator tool.
- The Oregon Legislature regularly has bills up for consideration that affect public education. To see what potential laws are being considered, use the Session Details tool that outlines each day's agenda for the full house and senate and their committees.
Other key organizations
- Oregon School Boards Association: Serves boards for K-12 school districts, education service districts, community colleges and the State Board of Education. Practices legislative advocacy at state and federal levels.
- Coalition of Oregon School Administrators: Represents Oregon school leaders at the state and U.S. Capitol buildings.
Legislative Materials Archive
2024 Legislative Agenda
2021 Legislative Agenda
2019 OSBA/COSA Legislative Report
2019 Legislative Platform for Portland Public Schools
Portland Public Schools’ top priority for the 2019 Legislative Session is to secure robust funding for advancing student achievement.
There is no better long-term investment in the state than ensuring a high quality public education for every child.
During the 2019 legislative session, Portland Public Schools will work vigorously with our education coalition partners to ensure that education is prioritized in all state funding decisions.
To read the full platform, click on image.