• Online Learning Academy Update -- Application Deadline is Friday

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    Dear PPS Families & Community,

    Thank you for your ongoing collaboration and support as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times. In our ongoing effort to support the needs of all our students, PPS is offering an Online Learning Academy (OLA) for students who cannot attend in-person due to COVID-19 related health reasons.

    A year-long commitment is highly preferred. At a minimum, students who choose the PPS Online Learning Academy will be in the program for a full semester. The PPS Online Learning Academy is not the same as our 2020-2021 Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) model, and we want to give you more information in order for you to make an informed decision.

    Here is what the PPS Online Learning Academy will look like, by grade cluster:

    • K-5: Students will receive regular live online instruction by a certified PPS educator. Students will also need the support of a parent or guardian who will be an at-home learning coach. The at-home learning coach will need to help their student login at specific times, ensure they complete their school work, and provide other student monitoring support. More information about the learning coach role is included below. Students will have access to neighborhood school meals and neighborhood school after-school activities.
    • 6-12: Students will be able to control their pace and have independent learning options supported by a certified PPS educator. Students will have access to neighborhood school meals and neighborhood school after-school activities. They will also have access to college and career assistance and monitoring of credit accrual and diploma requirements, as applicable.

    PPS will provide wraparound services for all students enrolled in PPS Online Learning Academy, these include but are not limited to counseling, social worker support, family engagement and specific support for students as determined on their IEPs or 504 plans. We will also provide ESL services as needs arise.

    Application criteria:
    Due to space limitations, we are prioritizing students with health conditions.

    1. You reside in the Portland Public School boundary or have an exception (foster children, McKinney-Vento eligible in 2020-21, approved inter-district transfer)
    2. You can provide documentation of a health condition that prevents your student from attending in-person instruction:

    Health condition #1: A medical provider’s statement that your child or someone in your child’s household has an underlying medical condition with increased risk for severe illness from the virus that causes COVID-19, as defined by CDC.

    Health condition #2: A statement from a medical professional confirming your child has a qualifying extenuating medical circumstance related to the health of a student that could be mitigated through a virtual learning experience.

    Still have questions? We have a team ready!
    Please visit www.pps.net/contact and select Online Learning Academy, email at onlinelearningacademy@pps.net or call us at 971-284-6969

    Learn more at the OLA website, ola.pps.net

    Applications are due July 30, 2021