From the superintendent
Celebrating the successful efforts of many
This month, many of our schools celebrated Dr. King’s legacy with days of service and performances. Lou Ferrigno – who played the original Incredible Hulk and visited Vernon School last week – joined the many inspirational speakers who are encouraging our students in reading. And two years after returning to their rebuilt school, Marysville has become a standout in using yoga to teach mindfulness and calm.
In addition, we learned that our graduation rate is now 70 percent, climbing 17 points in six years. At our nine high schools and Metropolitan Learning Center, that rate is 82 percent and the gap between white students and students of color is disappearing. Our steady progress is hopeful even as much work remains.
On Feb. 19, we officially say thank you for supporting the arts in our schools with the Heart of Portland, K-12 Arts Showcase at the Newmark Theater. Thanks to the Arts Tax, we now offer music, drama, visual art and/or dance in all K-5 and K-8 schools.
Thank you for bringing out the best in our schools.

Carole Smith