About the Climate Crisis Response Committee
The Climate Crisis Response Committee (CCRC) will advise the PPS Board of Education on implementation of the Climate Crisis Response, Climate Justice and Sustainable Practices Policy. As the CCRC reviews the Policy, they will discuss and determine specific avenues for arriving at stated policy goals such as, “Goal 1.2: PPS will maximize reductions in Green House Gas emissions from district operations, maintenance, and facilities management.” The CCRC will meet quarterly, provide insight and feedback for the District in setting goals and milestones, and engage with public comment about opportunities and challenges related to the Policy. CCRC Members bring expertise and diverse perspectives on sustainability and climate justice in Portland, and all have connections to Portland Public Schools, as students, parents, or alumni.
Committee Meetings
- All committee meetings are open to the public to attend. Members of the public who would like to speak at committee meetings are invited to submit a request for public comment by emailing Kat Davis (kadavis@pps.net) or Committee Chair Barbi Alexander (barbialexander@gmail.com).
- All committee meetings have a virtual attendance option, and meeting links will be posted here within three days of the meeting.
Upcoming Meetings
- CCRC Orientation, Thursday, February 13, 2025, 5:30pm-7:00pm
- Link to YouTube channel for live stream and recording - https://www.youtube.com/@pps_climatejustice/streams