Library Services Providing library and research resources for PPS schools, students, and staff
Suggest a Purchase
    • No phone calls, emails, or samples, please.

      If you would like your book to be considered for purchase by PPS Library Services please fill out this form. We will share your information with content development TOSAs and library staffers, and/or purchase it for the Professional Library if it fits our collections' needs. 

      Did you read a really great book over the summer or during professional development that you would like fellow PPS teachers to have available? Suggest a resource purchase for the Professional Library with this form

      • Please do not send book donations without checking first with the library.

        Donations will be considered and accepted if they meet the same selection criteria as new material and are in new or pristine condition. All donations become the property of the library, which has no obligation to return donations if they are not added to the collection. Donations not meeting the selection criteria may be donated to other organizations or discarded. Donations will be removed from the library at the end of their useful life. 

Book Donations