Summer Acceleration Academy 2024
Family FAQ
(Updated March 6, 2024)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the bus stops and times for SAA?
Transportation is available in the morning and after lunch at 1 pm dismissal.*
Bus stops are located at all PPS neighborhood schools. All additional bus stops and schedules will be posted on the transportation website by June 15, 2024.
PPS Transportation can be reached by phone at 503-916-6901.
*Note: Transportation services are only available to students attending the hub site associated with their neighborhood school, with the exception of students receiving specialized transportation through the Special Education department.
What is Summer Acceleration Academy?
SAA is a supplemental academic program designed to meet the needs of students whose literacy and math assessments demonstrate a need for support to successfully start the new 2024-2025 year by addressing unfinished learning from the current school year. More information on the program can be found on our Summer Accelerations Academy web page.
Can my student attend at a different hub site?
Yes. Your school office staff can change the hub site for your student upon your request. Please contact the school directly.
As a note, transportation services may be impacted by this hub site change in that:
If the hub site that you would like your student to attend is outside of your neighborhood feeder pattern, you will need to provide transportation for your student.
If the hub site that you would like your student to attend is within your neighborhood feeder pattern, transportation will be provided. This may occur when a student attends a school during the regular year that is outside their neighborhood or when a student’s primary residence changes permanently or seasonally, for example.
Are there DLI classrooms at SAA?
Students in Kindergarten and First grade Spanish DLI classrooms will be able to attend SAA and receive instruction in Spanish at the following hub sites: Arleta, Atkinson, Boise-Eliot, James John, Peninsula, and Rigler. The Spanish DLI curriculum for SAA focuses on foundational skills for Spanish Language Arts for these early grades.
Why was my student invited?
All students who met the criteria for SAA were extended an invitation to attend. The criteria for invitation is based on Winter assessment data. Enrollment is optional but will help to support unfinished learning. We are excited to offer a joyful learning experience for all students in attendance. This will include engaging in STEAM curriculum and art.
What is the criteria?
The criteria are based on Winter district-adopted assessments in reading. Please talk with your child’s teacher about your student’s specific assessment results.
These students meet the criteria for participation in Summer Acceleration Academy:
- Students who fall below grade level in reading, based on Winter 2024 literacy assessments (MAP/MAP Fluency);
- Students who receive English Language Development services and are new to the country, or whose most recent English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) score demonstrates a need for reading support; and
- The siblings of the students who meet the above criteria.
These established criteria for participation were developed in collaboration with the Office of Student Support Services and Special Education Services and are aligned with the resources and staffing available to support this supplemental program during the summer months.
My student weren’t invited but I want to request for them to participate. What do I do?
In partnership with your student’s classroom, Special Education teachers, and other school team members, we would encourage you to review your student’s assessment data and reflect collaboratively upon their growth since those assessments were completed. If the team believes that there has been an error in our identification process based on the criteria or that your student’s winter assessment data does not reflect their current abilities, school teams can send up-to-date assessment scores for our review.
Is there a cost to attend SAA?
There is no cost to attend SAA or the supplemental afternoon enrichment activities.
We have a vacation planned for this summer. Can my student miss days?
We understand that summer is a time for family fun. When enrolling your child for SAA, we ask your student to commit to attending 75% of the four-week program. If you can attend the majority of the program days, please enroll if you have been invited!