Housing and Shelters

  • Rental Assistance and Housing

    Important: All homeless families should call 211 and ask about shelter and housing program openings. Also ask to be put on their Family Mobile Housing Team Waitlist.

    Most of the area shelters and housing agencies are now using this waitlist when they have an opening. Be sure to tell them what your situation is (on street, in car, motel, doubled up. etc.) and about any family members with specific needs such as disabilities, illness, pregnancy, etc.

    Call back weekly to check on your status. You should also call the listings below for specifics about their programs and availability.

    Click the image or Dial 211 for health and human services

    If you or someone you know needs assistance to pay rent, mortgage or utility bills, please call 2-1-1 or visit www.211info.org. There are many programs available and 2-1-1 can provide information and referrals. You may also contact your school counselor or social worker if you need more information or resources.

    Additional resources for renters




    Multnomah County Covid-19 Eviction Prevention Program

    Provides: Housing/Shelter

    Note: Households must have an eviction notice for non-payment of rent for the current month's rent due.



    Regional Long-term Rent Assistance (RLRA) Program

    Provides: Housing/Shelter

    • 211 Intake for Families

    • Project UNICA (Spanish): 503-232-4448

    • Call to Safety - Domestic Violence: 503-235-5333

    • Janus Youth Access Center: 503-432-3986

    • Veteran Services Hotline: 855-425-5544

    Notes: Requires referral from Multnomah County Coordinated Entry System.



    Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program

    Provides: Housing/Shelter

    Notes: Requires referral from Multnomah County Coordinated Entry System.



    St Vincent De Paul Portland Council

    Provides: Housing/Shelter, Emergency Rent Assistance  

    • Address: Confidential Address Portland, OR 97206 
    • www.svdppdx.org (click here for details on St Vincent De Paul Portland Council)    

    • Phone: 503-235-8431 (Hotline wait times may be long due to limited staffing.)

    Notes: Rent Hotline: Monday-Friday 9:30am-noon and 1pm-3:30pm.



    Easterseals Oregon

    Provides: Individual and Family Support Services, Supportive Services for Veteran Families  

    Housing Assistance for Homeless Veterans

    Notes: For veterans and veteran families that are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness. Veteran must be present in household or family unit to participate.



    Home Forward

    Provides: Housing/Shelter, Landlord Guarantee Program

    • Phone: 503-802-8532

    Notes: For landlords seeking payments while tenants were protected under safe harbor laws. Assistance is for landlords only. Tenants may not apply.