Our Teams
Family Engagement Team
Family Engagement Team works collaboratively with families and families with student’s that have special needs, community agencies and school leaders to ensure that every student has the tools and support to be successful. The Family Engagement Team:
Help families engage district programs, departments and resources.
Collaboratively share strategies for parents/school communities to improve communication between the school and home.
Provide parents, students and community members an opportunity to share concerns and complaints in a confidential manner.
- Help to resolve disagreements between parents and schools.
Family Engagement Team Staff
Student Engagement Coach
The Student Engagement Coaches are a student and family-centered team focused on Portland Public Schools’ collective mission to (re)build trust and maintain productive dialogue with students, families, and communities within the district. Coaches collaborate with school staff and community agents to develop partnerships and strengthen wrap-around services. Coaches assist in building the district’s and the community’s ability to unite around the idea that a sustained, collective effort is needed to close the opportunity and achievement gap for our most underserved students. The Student Engagement Coaches:
Analyze data from systematic monitoring to design personalized interventions and document progress.
Work as a liaison to facilitate communication and promote problem-solving.
Provide students and families with resources and information to create a link to agencies.
Attend varied school and district meetings to define and outline roles to improve participation, performance, and success for individual students.
- Support a school-wide attendance improvement initiative.
Engagement Team Staff
Multilingual Community Agents Team
Multilingual Community Agents Team are bridgers of communication and builders of relationships. They aim to facilitate communication between school staff and multilingual families, encourage collaboration between educators and parents/guardians, and to support engagement efforts through brokering an authentic, cultural exchange. Their goal is to inspire the Graduate Portrait in every student, and help educators and parents/guardians be effective partners in their student’s education. Multilingual Community Agents
Parent Teacher Home Visit (PTHV) is a nationally recognized, USDOE-supported strategy that brings together families and teachers in relational-based home visits that elevate the cultural expertise of families and create a foundation for ongoing partnership.
To that end, Parent Teacher Home Visits (PTHV):
Intentionally employs anti-racist and restorative practices aligned with RESJ framework;
Requires a collaborative organizational mindset supporting System Shifts;
Aims to create system-wide change to strengthen teacher-family partnership in alignment with our district vision to move Forward Together; and
Builds teacher capacity, knowledge, and connection for ensuring Professional Excellence.
Multilingual Community Agents Team Staff
The Student Attendance Team
The Student Attendance Team promotes and enhances the academic mission of the district by providing services that utilize home/school/community partnerships to meet student needs:
Create a sustainable tracking and monitoring system to gauge and improve student attendance and engagement.
Provide professional learning for staff at all levels including education for students, families and the community
Support sites in reducing overall chronic absence rates and increasing attendance rates
Increase student participation and engagement through an emphasis on building trusting relationships with all of our community members
Participate in creating an anti-racist culture that promotes and supports our black and brown students to achieve proportionately when compared to their white and asian counterparts.