Safety Is All Of Our Responsibility
The Portland Public School District is committed to the safety and security of our students, staff and visitors. In order to maintain this safety we ask that parents and visitors follow the below procedures and protocols:What parents need to do:
All parents, visitors, vendors and contractors are requested to sign in at the school’s main office immediately upon entering the building.
All adults in the school during the school day must have a visible identifying badge. Visitor and volunteer badges are available in the school's main office.
Parents, visitors, vendors and contractors are requested to also sign out at the school office prior to leaving the building. It is very important that the school staff knows who is in the building at all times for safety reasons.
Parents must ensure that your child’s emergency card information is correct. We need to maintain accurate records so that we can ensure appropriate communication with parents/guardians. ANYONE not listed on a student emergency contact card will not be permitted to remove a student from school custody. There are no exceptions to this policy.
In the event of an evacuation and relocation to an alternate site, parents and guardians should not come to the school. It is vital that parents await communication as to where reunification will occur. The ONLY exception to this is in the event there is a city wide communication failure and the District is unable to communicate to families.The District understands that this may be very difficult and stressful. However, in the best interest of students, staff, and emergency first responders, it is important that this protocol be followed.
All individuals must be positively identified by our staff or provide valid identification. Student safety is our primary concern.
Parents should talk with their kids about safety and emergency preparedness at home. We encourage families to practice fire drills and earthquake drills at home. Families should develop an emergency communication and reunification plan that includes a contact close to your students' schools and an out of state contact. For age appropriate resources to share with your children, or to find a family plan, please visit our resources page. We have family plans translated in English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Somali, and Russian.
Parents should encourage your students to report threats to their safety or the safety of others, to you, the school administrator and/or to law enforcement.
Safety is all of our responsibility if you see something suspicious PLEASE say something.
PPS continually refines and updates its emergency response planning to be vigilant about the safety of its students and staff. PPS works diligently to ensure our emergency plan is current and that all staff members and students are prepared to react to all types of contingencies. Your cooperation and assistance is greatly needed to assist the District in this extremely important endeavor.
Family Communication Plan
The link below will direct you to the Red Cross website and every family should have a communication plan in place, in the event of an emergency or crisis.