Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Jamie Suehiro
Jamie Suehiro teaches Introduction to Education at Ida B. Wells. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Suehiro was raised in Seattle and a bit in Ann Arbor Michigan. As an older sibling, she loved to teach her siblings and watch them learn. This inspired her to become a teacher and steered her towards a career where she worked with young people. After a couple years at the University of Washington, she transferred to George Fox where she played volleyball and got her English degree. Suehiro then moved back to Honolulu to be closer to family. There, she got her masters and taught for 18 years before coming to Portland. Now, she enjoys hanging out with friends and family and spending time with her partner and daughter. She also enjoys cooking, bike riding, and golfing. Suehiro loves many things about working at IBW including the staff and the students that make her laugh and challenge her everyday. “One of the things that stands out to me is that there are so many staff members that send their own children here…and that a lot of us have either graduates or current kids who are here, enrolled, and that says a lot,” said Suehiro.
Written by Samantha Roark, Intro to Communications, Fall 2022