Degrees and Certifications:
Gwenonwyn Knoop
Gwenonwyn Knoop is a new paraeducator here at Ida. B. Wells. When asked about her experience so far, she expressed her love for the environment she's in,“I love it! I love the room I'm in and the new world I'm in, and I love being able to see all the kids I got to know last year.” Knoop enjoys being included in student's lives, building relationships and being able to feel satisfied about what she does. Outside of school, Knoop enjoys spending time with loved ones, traveling, and shopping. After moving to Bend, Oregon from Amsterdam, Knoop attended Sisters High School where she played basketball and tennis. She continued school at Western Oregon University with a major in education and has officially started teaching here at Wells this year 2023 school year.
Written by Shayla Reuther, Intro to Communications, Fall 2023